Yes, it wasn't easy. Also, That might be why he's not eating. He ate the vinyl /Linolium. Should I take him to vet? or just watch him since he's eating hay and drinking water? Still pooing and peeing.
Try to fix the cage so he cannot eat more . You don't need to take him to the vet unless he continues to not eat normally (pellets too) but this is not an emergency.
my rabbits have eaten all kinds of terrible stufff and they are fine.
Ok.. Thank you so much! I'll give him another dose of Simethicone drops in a couple hours, right? Then watch him tomorrow. Should I give drops tomorrow too? I'll prob get ahold of you if he's not getting better. Or if I have a question.
See how he is tomoorow and you can give another dose tonight.
if it is gas simethicone works really good ..
I have used it so many time I cannot count ...
Yeah angieluv is right. My guys eat a lot of bad stuff and with some hay and time, it works its way through. The simethicone should have helped, and Bene-Bac is great. You can try to listen to his belly for gurgling too.
You can get either the powder and mix it with a little fruit like banana or the gel in 4 little tubes and give him one. this should resolve itself if it is gas with these interventions. You can buy it (benebac) at either petco ot petsmart anf the dog/cat version can be used for rabbits but the bird type you cannot.
if it persists you should seek out a vet but you don't need to yet....
I took Rascal to the Vet today. He checked his teeth, and Belly. And did a fecal float and smear. Everything looked fine. The doc feels the flooring he ate is bothering his belly so he gave me 4 different things to give him.
He said it would increase his appetite and lubricate him to get rid of the flooring sooner.
Cyprohepdatdine ..will have to look that up :expressionless
usually we are against the use of reglan on this forum (in general) because it causes fairly strong muscle contractions in the bun. ; i don't totally understand why he (vet)would want to attempt to mechanically get the flooring out of him with a gut stimulant if he is pooping anyway ; he is pooping.. right? but only not eating pellets.
seem like it would be better to let it move through naturally....
We are usually against the use of laxatone also as often it will just create a bigger mass in the gut . In this case, however, it may cause the passage of the flooring to be less irritating to the walls of the gut ( No one told me this I am just thinking it out)
I don't understand the use of reglan at all . I never heard of a vet who prescribed reglan without an x-ray prior to administering it. if there was a blockage it would rupture the abdomen.
Iam not trying to freak you out
but I do think tha you should talk to the vet as theses seem like extreme measures to me and I am not a vet just a semi-educated rabbit person.
Ok... I have a concern. Daisy started eating her flooring. Some how she made a hole. They share the same flooring. So I went and bought Coroplast today. When I was tearing up the old flooring I found a bunch of little peices of vinyl on Rascals side. So... Now I'm not so sure he swallowed the vinyl. So I don't know what to do??? Should I call the vet and tell him this?? Or just continue treating him? I don't know why he's not eating pellets. Maybe theres something else going on. What do you think?? He's eating hay and drinking. Peeing and pooing.
If you found pieces of the flooring then it means he ripped them up but didn't swallow them so I wouldn't call the vet over that. mine rip a lot of cardboard and leave a million pieces everywhere but they don't eat it.
I do not know why he will not eat the pellets
I read on another thread that rabbits shouldn't eat cardboard. Well I use cardboard for traction, and for them to chew. I never find small peices so I'm thinking their eating it. What do you think? Should I take it away?
Should I keep giving him meds that doc gave me? Thanks!!