Thanks for asking.
Her and Fauna have really bonded during this time. Can't keepthem away from cuddling each other. Poor Tucks seems to befeeling somewhat left out. One wouldn't think he'd mind theway he acts, but I think he does. Extra attention for Tucksnow.
Cali's doing really well.
Thought about youyesterday, Jim, when I went to give her the meds without picking herup.
Her tail no longer is wet, her matted fur is no longer being an issue,and I'd say we're very well on our way to her health being completelyrestored. :colors:
What a shame about the Crocodile Hunter, ey? Never expected astingray to get him in the end. Such sad news about a guythat gave so much of his love, heart, and life to educate us to respectall animals, no matter how big or small. He will be sorelymissed by many.
Hope everyone is doing well and had a restful, relaxing, rejuvenating weekend.
Pipp, still haven't gotten film for the camera, but someday when thathappens, I'll be sure to post pictures of the sisters keepingcompany. I think Fauna likes cuddling up to her Big LittleSister. The size comparison is so cute, but there is noquestion of a doubt who is in control.
Happy Tuesday, Everyone!