Tucker, Fauna, and Cali

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Aww, this picture perfectly illustrates what you've said about female Flemish being your best girl friend--


Jenniblu wrote:
Aww, this picture perfectly illustrates what you've saidabout female Flemish being your best girl friend--



Fauna takes care of Tucker when he gets in trouble and he doesn'tlisten to me. She'll chase him until he's tired and can't get introuble anymore.

Cali just hangs with me, checks on me, and follows wherever I go to make sure I'm okay.

I love them All. They make me laugh, even Tucker - when he's making me C R A Z Y makes me laugh in spite of myself.

















cirrustwi wrote:
OMG Carolyn, I love that picture of you and Cali girl!? Give that baby an extra kiss for me.


I'll give her Five extra kisses from you!

My right hand is supporting her rump.

She's a Handful, as you can see, but she's a baby.



Carolyn wrote:
cirrustwi wrote:
OMG Carolyn, I love that picture of you and Cali girl! Give that baby an extra kiss for me.


I'll give her Five extra kisses from you!

Thank you! And give some to Fauna and even that rascalTucker! Have to make sure they get their kiss quota for theday. LOL


I'll kiss them all until they turn their heads on me...and then I'll kiss them 3x more!

:kiss: :kiss: :kiss:


I'm so jealous of all you flemish owners who canhold your babies like the way in Cali's picture. Poor Tiny -he hates it when I hold him like that - in fact, when we first got him- if I tried to hold him like that - he'd shake and have a hard timebreathing- he was so scared. I once thought he was going tohave a heart attack or something - he was so terrified of being held.

I am glad that he loves to lay beside me though and let me pethim. He's come a long way to let me get to that point....


Oh Carolyn, that picture of you and Cali is great!! Two friends just hanging out and my gawsh what a big bunny hug.

She sure is a real beauty!!

Now we need a family portarit next please, you and all those gorgeous buns of yours all in one picture!

Thank you SO MUCH, SweetPeasMommie!! :hug:

That is so precious! I love it.


OMG! Cali is even more adorable than I had imagined!! :inlove:
They're great, thanks for asking, Zee.

Had a friend over last night and you should've seen the mush they allturned into for her. :disgust: I don't think I'lllet her back at the house. Don't want my little ones lovingher more than me! :wink:
