Tucker, Fauna, and Cali

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Fauna keeps Tucker close by and on a short leashas you can see. He doesn't need his harness and leash anymoresince Buck gave me a net to capture him. He's incredibly fast.

Pictures, Pictures, Pictures! Greatpictures, Carolyn. I have only one complaintthough: You take WAY TOO LONG a break between picture posts!lol

Fauna is such a gorgeous color. That girl really knows how torelax too. And little Tucker Bucker - he looks like butterwouldn't melt in that mouth. What color is heagain? He looks like a mink color? And of coursePrecious Cali - that girl gets more and more beautiful each time youpost pictures. :)
I know, Bunsforlife! I wish it didn't have to come to that, but he leaves me little choice.

I really like this picture of Cali and you. :) You can tell how much you adore Flemish!


Jenniblu wrote:
Fauna is such a gorgeous color. That girl reallyknows how to relax too. And little Tucker Bucker - he lookslike butter wouldn't melt in that mouth. What color is heagain? He looks like a mink color? And of coursePrecious Cali - that girl gets more and more beautiful each time youpost pictures. :)
Thank you, Jenniblu. :)

Fauna's color is called Frosted Pearl, and yes...her coat is gorgeous.

Tucker-Bucker is chocolate...just like milk chocolate, however he looks a lot darker in the pictures.

Carolyn wrote:
Fauna keeps Tucker close by and on a short leash as you cansee. He doesn't need his harness and leash anymore since Buckgave me a net to capture him. He's incredibly fast.


Hmm, I might need to get me a net for Mocha. What kind do you use?
It works G R E A T, naturestee! Carl,(aka Buck Jones) gave me a crab net and it's perfect...when Tuckerdoesn't decide to chew through it as I'm getting him into hiscage. Little stinker's razor sharp teeth has me move fast toget him out of it as soon as I get him into it. Gotta saythough, it works like a charm! I'd be lost without it.

FreddysMom, I'd appreciate it ifyounot even look at Tucker's pictures. Your bond with himdoes not make me happy. Don't send him vibeseither! :nonono:

* * * * * *

Naturestee...this is what Buck Jones' wrote:

"We "collect" our recalcitrant free ranging bunnies with a crabnet. A crab net looks like a fish netwith a long,five foot handle. Found at sporting goods stores orseaside bait shops. It may prove to be beneficial to yourcause.

Happy to hear you are closing in on her.


Thanks, Carolyn! I don't have to muchtrouble getting her back in her cage (thank GAWD!) because that's whenshe gets her salad. If she's reluctant, she'll do anythingfor an oat. Just one.:p Sometimes I give her moreto be nice. It is a pain to pick her up to clip her nails,though. Right now we use the scoop-and-tuck method- scoop herup really quickly when she thinks you are going to pet her and tuck herup against your chest as fast as you can. She loved to bepicked up for a few weeks before her spay when she was convinced I washer mate.:p
Frosted Pearl - that is exactly what she lookslike! And, Tucker is chocolate (*drools* yumchocolate). He always looks a different color in picsdepending on the light.
She'll most likely relax a bit as the hormonescalm down and she gets used to the routine. Buck used to saythat you have to be the Big Kahuna. Show them who's boss andlet them know that whether they like it or not, they Will get theirnails cut.

Will bump up a post that you should check out from his perspective. It's excellent.

Was just teasing, Freddy'sMom. :wink:

Bunsforlife: :laugh:


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