Trixie GROWLED at me! TWICE!

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Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2006
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Denise from Long Island, New York, USA
Do bunnies ever growl when they play? Trixie andI play this little game where I scratch the ground in front of me andthen lightly "tap" her on her bum...this sends her into binky mode andshe starts hopping and shaking her head and flapping her ears.... I said "gonna GET YA!" and then tapped her bum and shehopped straight up and spun, then GROWLED and charged my hand, butturned was kinda in mid-binky. THEN I did it again....acouple seconds after cause I thought I was dreaming it...and sheGROWLED again and I moved my hand...then she ran off in binky mode. question this so-called game just on my end and isannoying to her, or do bunnies growl when they play sometimes? I amthinking she was playing, but in case its unusual for them to growlwhen they play, then I don't want to annoy her....

Hmm, that's a tough one.

Wildfire will grunt and charge at me when she's being cage aggressive, mainly when she's pregnant.

Sometimes she'll do the grunt, lunge thing and then when she realizes I'm not a threat, will put her head down for a nose rub.

As your buns hormones increase and she enters puberty, a tap on the bumcould simulate a male trying to mount. So she might begrunting because she doesn't want to be mounted.

That's about all I can think of right now. Sorry I couldn't be more help.

I'd guess she was getting annoyed.I've only been growled at by irritated, hormonal bunnies.Sprite still growls sometimes when I go to pick her up. I'vealso been growled at for taking food bowls, hay racks, water bowls...everything worth defending.;)
That's interesting to know...Maisie hasstarted stiffening up when I pet her body and my hand gets close to herbackside. Now I guess I know little four month oldis HORMONAL!! (Hey, I knew it anyway, just didn't realize herstarting to not like her body being pet was of that nature,too.) I've resigned myself to just petting her head anymore,because I can see petting her body (well, hind quarter section) makesher uncomfortable. Guess I should stop now before I get agrowl, eh?

aurora369 wrote:
Hmm, that's a tough one.

Wildfire will grunt and charge at me when she's being cage aggressive, mainly when she's pregnant.

Sometimes she'll do the grunt, lunge thing and then when she realizes I'm not a threat, will put her head down for a nose rub.

As your buns hormones increase and she enters puberty, a tap on the bumcould simulate a male trying to mount. So she might begrunting because she doesn't want to be mounted.

That's about all I can think of right now. Sorry I couldn't be more help.

That's a cute game, though, Trixie...Maisie andI did something along those lines until she stopped wantingto. Lol...since the hormones have set in she's wanted to comeout of her cage less and less. :( I think she's toobusy guarding it to want to come out and see me, though she still doesevery now and then.
You know, I noticed she spends more time in hercage, too! Last night she spent most of her time in her cage too! Iguess she's starting to change on me. She is also molting, now.....hairEVERYWHERE!
Yeah, you know, when Maisie was younger, shecouldn't WAIT to come out and run like mad everywhere...but now I canleave the cage door open (literally) all day, and there are some daysshe doesn't come out ONCE! It's frustrating, but I know it'shormone-related, so I try to be patient...though I have to confess,when I REALLY miss her, I bribe her with raisins so she'll comeout...hehe!! :) Sneaky Mommy...
does she also lay around on the outside of hercage a lot more instead of running around? Trix isn't as hyper asbefore. She has spurts of running, but not much. I have hardwood floorsso it's hard for her to run around the perimeter of the room withoutsliding everywhere...but I put a big green velour blankie down fortraction and thats her binky blankie....but lately she spends most ofher time sleeping on it....
I want to get an area rug, but as soon as she hits carpet, she startsripping it up! She got in the closet which is the only part of her roomthat has carpeting and within 1 minute, she was ripping it up!
I have to keep my eyes open for a really large grass mat, I guess.
Well, Maisie won't come out but for about a fiveminute stretch of time anymore, but I have noticed her laying down alot more while inside her cage. She does have about a fiveminute running spree around her cage every four hours or so, but that'sabout it right now. I think it's because of both hormones,and the fact that she's still growing. But yes, she'sdefinitely less active than when she was a baby bun. :(

At least she still asks me to pet her...:)

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