Depends alot on the size of the rabbit as well, but I used a cat carrier(easily found at walmart) for a Holland lop buck that was just under 4 pounds. He traveled that when I moved 16 hours from Upstate NY to central KY. I set him up in the truck the night before my move with water bottle and food-water bottle was taken down while we were moving and at our stops gave him his water bottle again. He was quite content until I got him to our new place and got the cages out of the truck the following morning. It was going on 35 hours from the time I put him in the crate to the time I took him out. He was still comfortable and he was 5 years old when I moved(unfixed breeding and show buck). My others were either in their cages or in a show carrier for the move(under the cap of the truck away from all rain). All of them did perfectly fine. gave them loads of hay- the ones in the back had water bottles up even while we were moving(though it was drained out from motion).
THe one buck in the cat carrier was the only one I kept up front as he was my baby and he was also my oldest rabbit by far.