Transport Chat//Presley at the ER Hospital

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OH Ann, I am so sorry that your sweetbun has passed away. I know that you did everythingthat you could for him. I also know that he knewthat he was loved while in your care. This has to be soheartbreaking for you. The fact that you nursed him back fromabuse and poor health only to have this happen.Myheart hurts for you. Sending love andhugs. Beckie
Oh Ann, I am truly sorry that you are without Presley.
He really knew love when he came to live with you. I have nothing butpraise for people like yourself who take in animals who have beenneglected or abused.

My heart just aches for you, I as we all do understand that you needtime alone, please take all the time you need and we will be waitinghere for you with open arms.

Ann, you made a difference in Presleys life, you showed him what it was to feel love.

You are on my mind so much. :sad:


I don't know if this will help any one in thefuture or not. Presley had a tumor on the left front part ofhis brain that was, for one thing, effecting the trigeminal nerves thatrun down the side of the face, over the teeth and jaw area.That caused the facial puffiness he developed late Saturday - not anabscess. The tumor also gave him the odd walk step hedeveloped Friday night that I thought was an injury.

From the appearance of the tumor and location, it seemed to be ameningioma - not common but not unheard of in rabbits. Itisn't curable. If we had ever had the oppotunity to take anx-ray, we might have seen it but other wise it is hard todetect. Some rabbits may get lethargic, withdrawnoranorexic - Presley did not. It was only at the end that hehad a change in his gate.

Prognosis is poor on these tumors. In humans and otheranimals they tend to occur in multiples or to return immediately ifsurgically removed. About the treatments available would beradiation at a veterinary university, chemotherapy which would kill therabbit or prednisilone or predinisone which would also eventually causedeath or serious side effects.

I am glad Presley was on pain meds and that he went quickly.I just had to know that it wasn't something I did or neglected to do inhis care. We were so concerned that the stab wound he had onhis head in August had some lingering infection but that was not thecase.

We did not get tissue biopsies of the tumor so meningioma is the vets'best guess although it could have been some other type ofcancer. The end results would have been the same.At the specialy clinic we use, we have 2 wonderful vet internalmedicaine and oncology specialists, Dr. Rance Gamblin and Dr. MarciaCarothers. They have treated5 of our cats forvarious cancers. Both told us in the past that the majorityof cats and dogs these days die from some type cancer. I wasshocked. Dr. Carothers told me the cancer rate isskyrocketing in animals and the reason has not been pinned downyet. Chemicals in food and environmental issues are suspected.

I don't know if this does us any good as rabbit owners but I do suspectour rabbits have a more chemical free diet that most other domesticpets.

Thanks so much for the love and concern expressed here.During Presley's short time with us, he really bloomedandbecame a very happybunny. I wish hecould have had years of happiness.
Ann, thank you so much for letting us know theoutcome. In a way, it was good that he went so quickly (not for you,but for him) and that he didn't suffer with the cancer.

He lived life right up until the end, and you gave him his health and happiness fo the time he was with you. God Bless


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