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Bo B Bunny

Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2004
Reaction score
, Indiana, USA
So, today started the usual way...... got up, got the kids up... eventually.... and off to school. Went to work, came home, ate, showered, went to the barn to clean the horse trailer and pull it out to load Dakota (going to the trainer for a month) and the truck couldn't get it out, the truck got stuck in the mud...... I got it out..... then hubby came to rescue the trailer and pulled it out........

Dakota got in.... eventually.... then changed his mind. He started backing out and his trailer tie didn't break away..... I was penned in between him and the side of the trailer where the stall guards open...... he was scared and started stepping around trying to find his footing....... he stomped on my ankle and foot a few times... AND slammed his body against me several times pushing me into the stall guard/gate. It sort of sticks out to latch into the other side........ it's hard to explain but it hurt.

So this is my ankle/foot...... the photo doesn't show the bruising very well, or the swelling....... Kota is a sweetie and never offers to hurt anyone...... he just spooked..... and I was in the wrong place when something malfunctioned.

He did end up getting back in with Pokie added to the front and a lunge whip on his butt! LOL!


Ouch! Hey, on the plus side you ankle looks great compared to mine right now. I'm even in the fantastic stage when what I've had in the past. ;)

Trust me when I say, I feel your pain! :hug2:
Oh man! DA! I can't even imagine how your ankle has looked in the past months! My pain is NOTHING compared. I realized, Kota was just trying to give me some pretty decorations for my skin! :p;)

Thanks guys :) I am fine, just sore. It's hard to lay on my right side..... kept waking up..... that's why I'm on now LOL!
OUCH! That looks really, really sore. :( Poor Kota too!

I had something similar happen in a tiny stall a few years ago with one of the mares I used to look after, gave me a good whack against a metal manger in the corner, I get a bit nervous in small spaces with horses now. And actually I get nervous out in open spaces too because the same mare enjoyed galloping at me in the field then biting me, one time she galloped up and clamped her teeth into my shoulder and shook me until I nearly fainted. She was lovely. :p

Hope you heal up soon! :hug:
WOW! She sounds like a real witch of a horse! :shock:

Kota might chase you down, give you a *horsey hug* by pushing his chest up to you with his head over your shoulder....... then lick you to death! LOL! Yes, he licks people!Especially our farrier..... he loves him!

I had my arm up as he slammed against me - and it got me in the ribs under my arm.... it is VERY sore today - and I'm bruised up on my back and right side.

We are laughing now cause he was so upset when he stopped and saw he had "hurt mommy"..... :shock:

When we took him out of the trailer at the new place, he was like all perky, interested and his ears were way up and forward! He was an angel for our trainer guy. His wife was in love with him! "oh my! look at that pretty boy!"

Then they took him to the stall..... Lexi went with him and she said he looked at her like "uhh, you're leaving? aren't you forgetting the pony?" LOL! He's next to a thoroughbred mare and on the other side a stud horse.....

That should be interesting!
LOL, never heard of a horse who loves the farrier! Half the horses at the equine centre had to be sedated just for a trim. :shock:

Bless, Kota sounds like such a lovely boy! I want a horsey hug! :biggrin2:
As mentioned before Pennie, elevate that foot and ice it! Even elevate it during the sleeping hours. I had to learn to sleep on my left side rather quickly. LOL! It looks like it's your right ankle, so sleep on your left side and put 3, 4 or more pillows between your legs/ankle. Not only is it elevation but it also keeps your ankles from slamming into each other in the middle of the night. :D

Ouch! Hope you heal quickly Pennie. Take it easy and you will heal faster. I know its hard to do that with kids and animals but it really pays off.
Thanks everyone! It's tender but I cleaned my big house today (4 hours job) and I was more tender on my back and side. I feel like I've been hit by a large animal..... Oh yeah..... LOL!

Oh my horses HATED this one farrier and Pokie tried to bite him! I don't blame her. This farrier... omg they love him and Pokie DROOLS on him. He's a nice guy! and he's very calm and gentle. Kota falls asleep sometimes. LOL! Both our horses actually have been trained (my father inlaw did this) to lift their foot if you go to that leg and tell them to.... it's funny cause Pokie puts the front foot on the correct side up on the hoof stand. Our farrier always laughs and asks her if she'd like to trim them herself too!!
Ouch!!!! No wonder you were up most of the night!! :tears2:

Poor Kota... I am sure he did feel really bad after he knew he hurt you. Did you have to tell him it was okay and that you still loved him? I have to do that with my St. Bernard because he is such a sensative guy. Sometimes he just doesn't remember how big he is compared to me....

SoKota and Pokie'sferrier is really nice, huh? :blushan:Of course he is, because he doesn't live inmy

I hope you feel better babe get some rest make hubby get the kids.

At least nothing is broken right:?.

Get some rest and lap up being able to rest while you can.
Wait your a mom and wife no resting :twitch:
Oh yeah, I told him..... and he looked at me like "Mommy? you leavin' the Pony cause he hurted you??" :cry2So I told him again and again...... now I miss him LOL!

We have 3 REALLY good farriers Travis is our favorite and regular one. Then my bro inlaw but he's never around so we can't use him.....and another guy. They are all three gentle and kind and all three can actually trim our horses and they do really well...... I hate when they leave too much toe or take too much heal......

Pokie gets to drool all over Travis tomorrow.... maybe I'll take the camera! We laugh the whole time....... Travis won't know she's starting to do it and she'll reach down with her nose and twitch her lips on his neck.... LOL! :shock:Surprise! It's pokie kisses!

She's NOT like that either... never been like that with men.

That one guy - Kota tried to kick. None of them liked him. I didn't hire him but I quickly fired him.

Ya know, I never realized that being slammed around by a horse would feel like I was in a car wreck the next day. I'm sore all over!
Ouch. I got fallen on by a horse a few weeks ago and it was no fun and the most frightened I had ever been with horses. I can't imagine being caught near their hooves. I hope you get to feeling better. Kota sounds like a sweet horse.
OH WOW! Were you riding and fell and he fell on you? I'm always afraid of those things!

My foot is fine..... I think he kept feeling my foot under his hoof...... that's why he kept trying to replant it someplace.... My back and side are still really sore and bruised from hitting the trailer divider.

He's a good boy... just nervous sometimes....... trailers scare him cause he's only been in one about 7 or 8 times.
That looks like it hurts!

I got stepped on by the mare I lease once, and that hurt pretty bad; her whole hoof was on just two of my toes. Now I always bend over real far to pick out her feet, and I keep my feet a safe distance away.

The only other injury that was horse related, was a slightly injured pinky finger (not even sprained) from being tossed off in order to prevent being kicked by another horse.


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