Towels, blankets, fabrics

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Active Member
Mar 1, 2012
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Weehawken, Husdon County, New Jersey, USA
I built a NIC duplex condo for my new family. I created the flooring using Coroplast with a 4.5" border going around. I've read people using all sorts of things on the floor of cages.

I bought a bunch of 100% cotton towels to place down in their cage, that I can easily remove and wash often.

Being that most towels that I know of are cotton, I want to be sure it's safe for bunnies.

Overall, what fabrics are considered safe for blankets, towels, etc?

I have always used just normal cotton bathroom towels for lining my bunnies cages. They have never chewed them or anything, they just lay on them and walk on them for grip.

Towels to T-shirts here. My boys enjoy a nice soft place to lie. Just as long as they are not chewing and eating the towel, you will have no problems. It is so much easier taking towels to T-shirts to the wash.

K :)
I dont have a C&C cage but with my HUGE tommy cage, I use flooring i it. I use those big stick on tiles. I then have a large, very thin rug for traction. I give my bun a few thin cotton baby blankets to lay on, move around, and play with. Those dont have the little loops like towels do. Im always scared they can get their nails caught in the loops.
Cheap cotton bedsheets found from thrift store sales. Old t-shirts and towels are all good.

If we're out of wood pellets, we use fleece blankets on top of cotton towels for the litter tray.
Thanks for your feedback. I will try using the cotton towels I bought and see how bunnies like them. I like the idea of towels. I know bunnies like to be clean, and I am a very clean type of guy - so I would be on top of keeping their towels (and cage) clean at all times.

I already pre-washed their towels using Seventh Generation laundry detergeant: Free and Clear. Not only is it evironmentally friendly, it is part of the Leaping Bunny program - a cruelty-free standard.

I'll report back as to how the bunnies feel about their towels.
PapaJoe wrote:
Thanks for your feedback. I will try using the cotton towels I bought and see how bunnies like them. I like the idea of towels. I know bunnies like to be clean, and I am a very clean type of guy - so I would be on top of keeping their towels (and cage) clean at all times.

I already pre-washed their towels using Seventh Generation laundry detergeant: Free and Clear. Not only is it evironmentally friendly, it is part of the Leaping Bunny program - a cruelty-free standard.

I'll report back as to how the bunnies feel about their towels.

lol. Bunnies like to clean but don't be surprised if you are constantly cleaning. Especially young bunnies. Don't fret, it does get better. You will stop cleaning, but it does get better. Our Kreacher taught us that. Though he goes in the litter box, he always poops after his crate is cleaned. It's just a territorial thing which we have learned to deal with. Once he poops a few in the clean crate, I always put it in his litter box.

K :)
Popped in to check on some of the posts I've made. The new bunnies have been keeping me very busy!

I ended up getting some of the Timothy Hay Matts by Oxbow. Also I put down a clean towel on the other half of the cage - everyday. The pooping was VERY overwhelming the first week. They have good days and bad days of using the litter box. I do clean their litter box every day. Too much pooping to leave it build up.

Being that they are doing much better, I am going to line their home with carpeting that I picked up at Home Depot. It's something that I can easily remove and wash. I am trying to figure out the best way to secure it down in their cage so they don't dig and lift it - or chew it.

I'll post back about how that goes.
Thanks again for all of the replies.
The pooping was VERY overwhelming the first week.

I am so glad that I am not alone. Granted, I did adopt two young rabbits so not only do I have two rabbits, I also have two rabbits that are on an unlimited hay and pellet diet. :shock:
Update: First, many thanks for your responses.

As mentioned, I built a 2 floor cage for my bunnies. I ended up getting the Oxbow hay mats for the top level. Over the past week or so, they really started chewing a lot. They love the mats. Also got the Hay basket for them to sit in.

They are about 3 months now. They mainly use their litter pan. So last night I opened up the ramp to go into the bottom of their cage. I ended up lining up the bottom with carpet runner from home depot. I placed lots of hay toys, paper rolls, willow twigs, etc. I also put a small corner litter pan on the bottom level as well. They have been running around, up and down, over and under - everything. Lot's of happy dances! They are being super good about using their original litter pan on the top level that they are used to. There were a couple poops on the bottom, but all of 4 or 5. I'm so happy they know food and poop is up stairs. Play time is down stairs.

So far, they are doing good with the carpet runner and not trying to chew or dig it up.

For my bunnies: The Oxbow Hay mats and the tight woven carpet runners are working out great as cage liners.

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