Torticollis/Head Tilt/Wry Neck ?

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May 29, 2009
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Hey Guys, some of you may have seen where I've posted this in the introductions and rabbitry. If so, I'm sorry I'm just looking for information.
I just earlier this week rescued a baby bunny from a pet store where he was either going to be snake food or free to anyone. This was because, unlike the other members of his litter, he had a crooked head/neck.
The owner of the store said he has a birth defect, that his head had always been twisted this way. I don't know his exact age but he was old enough to have been weaned for awhile and to go home with me.
He's eating fine, drinking fine, running around and playing like any other happy rabbit. I'm wondering if this head tilt could be anything other than torticollis/wry neck. Does anyone know how long a bunny can have torticollis and display no other symptoms other than the head tilting?
Has anyone ever experienced having a bunny that just had a birth defect like this?
If anyone has any opinions please let me know.

I would take him to the vet, but I am not in a financial position to be able to do that. If this turns out to be something serious I will definitely find a situation for him in which he'll be able to be taken care of. Your help is appreciated.
There is really no way to diagnose him with out having him seen by a vet. it could be some birth anomaly that is structural or it could be an ear infection. Whatever ....he should be seen ; if it is an infection it will only get worse .

Can you post a picture?
This is my concern you say that money is a problem. Trust me if it is from an infection it will only get worse and more expensive. It will be easier to do a basic check-up and see if that is what is causing it. Trust me I know.:D
He absolutely needs to be seen by a vet. It could be in a stage that it is still treatable, as mentioned in previous post responses. It is possible that treating it now will clear it up totally, but he may still need special care. If you cannot afford to treat him, consider a veterinary insurance plan ( which is about $12 a month and covers part of your bills, or giving him over to a humane society or rescue organization that can afford to pay for his treatment. Whatever you do, you will have done a great job in saving this guy from being snake food. A rescue is going to be more friendly and forgiving in taking him him.

Good luck!
Thanks guys, here are some pictures. Sorry for the quality, they're from a camera phone.


Here he is from the back. Not the best picture but you can see the tilt of his ears.


Here he is from the front.


and here he is being adorable drinking some water after hopping around.

It looks like I'm going to be giving him to a rescue after all. My college kid budget is too tight to afford veterinary care :(
I'd love to be able to keep him, but it will be better for him to go to a rescue. So far it looks like "The Ark" in Huntsville, AL is the best choice for me (I'm in Auburn, AL) but if anyone has any other suggestions or feels like taking care of this adorable guy please let me know.
He really is the sweetest thing, he has not once been skittish or shy since I brought him home. He loves being cuddled, and today started licking my arm while I was holding and petting him. By the way, does anyone know what kind of rabbit breed he is?
Thanks again guys
Hi Hezzi,

I'm not an expert, but I'd think if that bunny has been like that (slightly tilted) since birth or close to it, the chances are it's an injury and the tilt will be permanent and non-fixable, but not much of a problem.

It would be nice to know for sure -- its really hard to believe pet stores unless they can get the breeder to call you to confirm -- thus a vet visit and/or a set of x-rays would be 'nice', but in all likelihood they won't show anything fixable.

If you can hook up with a 'nice' rescue and explain the situation, maybe they can be 'waiting in the wings' or let you get an x-ray, blood or EC/parasite test for cost or something similarly helpful.

A slightly tilted rabbit without any infections or parasites causing the tilt can live a long and happy life with minimal extra care.

I'm sure the rescues are over-run, so being able to keep the little guy would be the best for all.

Good on you for taking him in.

sas :bunnydance:
Thanks Pipp!
That's a great idea, I'll try to work something out with a rescue :)
Also, thanks for the breed id. It's nice to know what kind of bunny he is. Before this my only answer to what kind of bunny he is would be "small...and cute..."
Pipp wrote:
Hi Hezzi,

I'm not an expert, but I'd think if that bunny has been like that (slightly tilted) since birth or close to it, the chances are it's an injury and the tilt will be permanent and non-fixable, but not much of a problem.

It would be nice to know for sure -- its really hard to believe pet stores unless they can get the breeder to call you to confirm -- thus a vet visit and/or a set of x-rays would be 'nice', but in all likelihood they won't show anything fixable.

If you can hook up with a 'nice' rescue and explain the situation, maybe they can be 'waiting in the wings' or let you get an x-ray, blood or EC/parasite test for cost or something similarly helpful.

A slightly tilted rabbit without any infections or parasites causing the tilt can live a long and happy life with minimal extra care.

I'm sure the rescues are over-run, so being able to keep the little guy would be the best for all.

Good on you for taking him in.

sas :bunnydance:
OMG that rabbit is really cute and the tilt is not that bad...too bad you couldn't just get some basic vet care done and if it is a permanent injury just keep him, ; he is a sweetheart...:)
Pipp does have a really good idea. It would be great if you could keep him. JadeIcing also has a head-tilt girl named Apple whose head tilt is from an injury at a young age to her neck. I don't think her care is as intense as Ringo's, since she's not at a high risk for re-developing upper respiratory infections.

A good place to look for rescues is . I bet someone would be willing to "stand by" in case the vet says this little sweetie will need extensive life-long care.
I just want to say good luck. Hopefully you can get the bottom of this.

I also wanted to say that I believe you have a broken black mini rex. Is is fur very soft and velvety, with all the hairs the same length (no difference between guard hairs and under coat)? Broken black would be the colour of white with black spots, and mini rex would be the breed (or rex if he grows up to be bigger than 4-5 pounds).
