How about what to feed your rabbits. I know there is alot of differentfeeds out there. For growing rabbits, milking rabbits, 15 percentprotein to 19 percent proteins, show formulas stuff like that. And howfreshness is so important.
I don't often post I am a lurker!! But I have an idea I mightcome up with more later. But I would love to know the basicgeneics of a rabbit. Maybe you can include an article thatexplains in simple terms (for my simple mind!!) about what the lettersrepresent and what colors NOT to breed together...etc.Something along those lines. I am not a breeder butam really interested in learning the genetics. They shouldhave a rabbit genetics for dummies book!!
I believe thatan article on massage for your bunny would be nice. While Iwas at the Rabbit Spa Day in Austin, Texas that the HRRN has, I broughta wonderful book. It is called "The Relaxed Rabbit: Massagefor your Pet Bunny" and the author is Chandra Moria Beal. Sheis a massage therapist that wrote the book with the support of a Austinvet and her late bun, Maia. I have found the book useful andconcern this a great way to bond with my buns. Note: onlyHazel really seems to enjoy the massage... Dusty is too active and ateenager bun.