Too Perfect?

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Is my bunny a secret agent undercover?

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  • No way, My bunny is!

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Oh I see, I see... Have you tried putting in a bigger litter so his poop can't fly out or does he just dig it so much that it's inevitable that it's going to go out anyways... Cos Harvey outgrew one of his litters quite quickly and there was always poop down the side of his hutch but I just found something higher and it worked wonders for me.

3'? Oh my gosh...
It sounds funny and all and imagining my Harvey doing some weird matrix ninja move to spread his wee around would be hilarous but that's so awful... I'm really going to dread if this happens...

I guess I'll just have to wait and see how it goes...
We're getting another little girl next week... EXCITING!
so FINGERS CROSSED that he doesn't get aggrivated by her smell and turn into Demon Harvey... Although he seems to love other bunnies and animals... as soon as he met Winston he started licking his forehead and he always wants to play with the cats and ducks and follow them but they just don't like him back...
I also noticed he loves to buzz around everyone, he buzzes when he see's me and my boyfriend especially when he smells banana. and he buzzes for Winston when he see's him. Do you think the buzzing will turn into too much loving and end up spraying? or is he just showing affection with the noise?
Aww, Harvey is such a baby doll!

I have/had 5 boy bunnies so far. Skyler was neutered at about 4 months, Rory and Cinnabun were neutered at approximately 7 months (and Maximus will be 7 months when he's neutered in a couple of weeks), and Ned was at least a year old. We didn't know Ned before he got neutered because his owner neutered him then rehomed him to us within a few days, but Ned is the only one that displayed any type of hormonal behavior. The day we went to pick him up, he was running frantically around the cage of the owner's intact doe and letting off stink bombs. Other than that one 5 minute experience, our boys have always been great. No spraying, humping, circling, nothing. And impeccable litter habits. Max lives next to 2 intact females (that will be fixed at the same time as him) and he's never shown any signs of... uh... eagerness :D Like others have said, some boys are very hormonal and some aren't! Guess I've just been lucky so far. Harvey doesn't sound odd at all :)
Yeah Bonnie I really need to get a video of him with the cats. It's pretty funny and the fat cat usually deserves it. I don't really know Harvey's age, other than he might be around a year. So he is younger than both the cats, Merlin is almost 9 and Fatty is almost 6 but still pretty playful.

And trust me you will know spraying when you see it haha. Be very glad you haven't seen it. They have pretty good aim too. Harvey got Merlin several times in the face. Poor cat.
Oh, Shiloh... You're very lucky! :) Seems like everyone on here has experienced atleast one bun that isn't hormonal which gives me high hopes ha ha.

Where I bought Harvey from when she took him out of one of the cages... It was like 3 or 4 cages all in one... Like one stacked up above the other... And it smelt dreadful but I wasn't sure if that was just normal wee that hasn't been washed from the hutch or spray... But I hope to never smell it again ha ha

Oh my gosh! Your poor cat! I wish I could understand animals and know what they really think of each other ha ha. It would be some pretty interesting conversations...
I think my Harvey would have a romantic french or spanish accent and a super flirt. ha ha.
Yeah Merlin is pretty much the sweetest cat too. Wouldn't hurt a fly. And Harvey just loved him!

HAH I would love to know what Harvey would say. He is a pretty bossy bunny.
Haha, I can imagine your Harvey having some really deep voice with those italian or what not mobster styled voice ha ha.
haha :3 My Harvey was actually really naughty tonight...
For some reason when we brought him inside cos we bring him in randomly to sleep with us if neither my boyfriend nor I have work the next morning.

But tonight we brought him in and he started continuously thumping even though he was buzzing... and then he dug his pellets out of his bowl ... so there's a pile of pellets now T_T
hahaha My Harvey does that too! When he gets a lot of energy in the middle of the night and he'd rather be out while I'm trying to sleep. He also digs in his pellets to make sure he got all his oats. Oh and dumps his litter box over. Then sulks if I don't let him out.
Owh, Ha ha.
How does he sulk?

I noticed Harvey seemed upset the other day the cat hissed at him because Harvey kept chasing him and then afterwards Harvey went in the corner and had a runny nose... So I think he got a little bit sad...
tamsin wrote:
Sometimes it just seems to hit with the arrival of hormones around the 4/5month mark, in others it seems to have a trigger later eg the scent of a new rabbit - particularly a female, the arrival of spring, new accommodation (territory), that sort of thing.

Spraying is really impressive, you won't miss it - it's a jet of urine that can go 3' up a wall and they often spin as they go to get quite a wide coverage.

For the best demonstration, put on some nice clothes and stop to pat him before rushing out the door to something you're running late to. Chances are good you'll get a demonstration of how he can nail you in the face, shirt and pants in 30 seconds or less.
I actually got a new female bunny :D and Harvey saw her and there was no spray... he just thumped when he figured he couldn't play. but once we had him on the bed and petted his head he didn't even pay attention to her or act territorial so I'm pretty pleased with how things are going :)
My male Rex is around 7.5 months and i haven't had any problems? I was concerned something was wrong? I'm still not to sure.. he doesn't act up, spray, or anything. The only thing he does wrong is poop occasionally out of his litter box... please help!
My male Rex is around 7.5 months and i haven't had any problems? I was concerned something was wrong? I'm still not to sure.. he doesn't act up, spray, or anything. The only thing he does wrong is poop occasionally out of his litter box... please help!
Oh he sulks by ignoring me... he gives me the bunny butt haha. Or he'll thump at me, like he did this morning when I let him out. I got foot flicks and a thump haha.
Ashley, I don't think anything is wrong with your bunny at all... :) I think we just got lucky ha ha.

Haha Emily I think I would enjoy seeing a bunny grumpy at me haha just cos I would annoy them and try and snuggle them to make them happy again haha. '

Harvey actually did do something naughty but i guess it was my fault.. our new bunny Moshi, I bought her a little blanket for in her cage to sleep on and she loves it and I put one in Harveys also... but he didn't appreciate it much and wee'd all over it. quite disgusting. But i guess he just doesn't want me rearranging his hutch like that lol
Ooo, I'm glad I'm not the only one with a bunny like this! I have an intact male, Peppy. He has 2 stuffed toys that he humps or he goes after peoples feet :p, but he has never sprayed. I got him about 7 months ago when he was 3 and he hasn't sprayed at all. He doesn't like to poop in his litterbox though, so he needs a neuter for that. But he pees in it only and will hold that in when he has to.
Also, He's had no other hormonal issues like attacking or anything either, he's THE sweetest bunny ever.
Always running over when you call him for pats and cheek rubs.
Haha owh cute. Hmm have you tried teaching him to poop in his
litter? or he just straight refuses?
a couple times when we gave harvey too much carrot he got over
hyperactive and he actually just pooped in different places

so I've just stopped with the carrot now... he's happy with
greens anyway and they dont make him act like a child with a sugar high lol