Hi.. before I joined RO in November my mainsource of info was House Rabbit Society and also the exotic animalhospital( Midwest) in La Grange Park Ill. It seemed that Iwas told that the healthiest diet for rabbits is quality timothy hay,greens daily and a small amount of pellets....so thats what I havedone. I have 6 rabbits and so I fix 6 big salads daily for each one .They love the greens!!! Recently I have become aware of the calciumcontents of veggies and realize that many of the veggies I feed on adaily basis are high in calcium....parsley, kale ,dandelions, carrottops. I feel now that What I thought was really good for them probablyisn't. I guess that people push "greens" because a rabbit should havesome greens but maybe I took this too seriously. I am presentlythinking about weaning my bunnies from so much greens but I'm afraidthe change will push into GI problems. Does any one know of greens lowin calcium other than romaine and the lettuces or does anyone have anysuggestions of how I should do this.?