tonyshuman wrote:
You can syringe him a slurry of pellets--let them soak for a while. Also, when Mouse_Chalk's Dotty was ill after her spay she fed her pureed veggies in what she called "bunny pesto," I think. Pureed veggies of baby food or pureed pumpkin would be good too. I assume Critical Care isn't available? Another good choice could be Nutri-Cal.
I heard my name!
When Dotty wasn't eating I mixed basil, carrot tops, and water I think, with a hand blender until really smooth, and then syringed it. I called it bunny pesto because the basil made it smell like pesto. I mixed it with the infacol as well sometimes, because the infacol has a horrible smell, so I can't imagine it tastes good either. You could use other veg though- doesn't have to be those. They were just Dotty's favourites at the time...
I don't know if you guys get Oxbow Critical Care in Ireland (we have it over here) but Burgess Excel make a similar product called 'Recovery' which might be more readily available- vets should stock it themselves....
I'm sorry to hear Oskar might have to have an aneasthetic. I'm glad he's with you now though, so he can get the proper care he needs
My Snowy is going through the molar spurs at the moment too. She had hers filed down last July, and they've just started forming again. I don't know if maybe they sometimes grow back quicker in some bunnies than others? Because I know someone who has to send her bunny in every 6-8 weeks, whereas Snowy's have been quite slow to reform.....
Tonyshuman, that was a brilliant diagram and explanation of spurs! I was about to go looking for a picture, so I could have a better understanding of them, but now I have one! Thanks!