Tony Montana

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Hey Stan if Pebbles is too much work you can ship her to me. LOL

By the way, I found the litter-box grid thingsat walmart, they are used for making yarn purses and things!BUT, I can't find wood pellets or anything like them here.Any ideas where I should try? The feed store I know of lookedat me like I was crazy and they didn't have any at home depot.
Hmmm, most feed stores should carrythem. They are designed for horse stalls, so maybe you couldtry calling and asking for that? A compressed wood pellet forhorse stalls.

Maybe try contacting some of the brands listed in other threads directly and asking if they know of any suppliers in your area.

Or, even check pet stores. Some petstores will carryit. It's more expensive that way, but still probably muchcheaper than other litter.

Any place that carries horse tack/equipment should carry the compressed wood pellets.

Our Walmart has wood pelletsin the pet section, but they are more expensivebecause they are labeled for cats. PetShops should carry them too, butagain more expensive. I still think the bestbet is a hardware store or fire placeshop. Maybe the local shopshave put the wood pellets away because they are seasonalitems.Another placemightbe a horse supply depot.

However Wood Pellets costs way less than any other types of litter (Carefresh).

You can use the screen on top ofCarefresh to try out how it works.I'm just worried Tony might haveaccidents on your carpet. For yourramp, you could tape some carpet onthe cardboard so it won't be so slippery.

Susan : Pebbles is never too much work. It'sjust too much work going to work. :D

Rainbows! :bunnydance:
The feedstore I went to carried horse tack, butstill had no clue! I told them it was for horse stalls. LOL.I ended up contacting woodypets and they directed me tosomeone nearby who supposedly has some... I am going to emailthem.

aurora369 wrote:
Hmmm, most feed storesshould carry them. They are designed for horse stalls, somaybe you could try calling and asking for that? A compressedwood pellet for horse stalls.

Maybe try contacting some of the brands listed in other threads directly and asking if they know of any suppliers in your area.

Or, even check pet stores. Some petstores will carryit. It's more expensive that way, but still probably muchcheaper than other litter.

Any place that carries horse tack/equipment should carry the compressed wood pellets.

I think there might be wood pellets at petsmart,but if so they will be high. Gonna contact the lady aboutwoodypet and if that doesn't work out I will look again at petsmart.

Good idea about the carpet on the ramp, I'll do that. Wouldn't I have to worry about Tony ingesting it?

Pet_Bunny wrote:
OurWalmart has wood pellets in the pet section,but they are more expensive because they are labeled forcats. Pet Shops should carry themtoo, but again more expensive.I still think the best bet is a hardware store orfire place shop. Maybe the local shopshave put the wood pellets away because they are seasonalitems.Another placemightbe a horse supply depot.

However Wood Pellets costs way less than any other types of litter (Carefresh).

You can use the screen on top ofCarefresh to try out how it works.I'm just worried Tony might haveaccidents on your carpet. For yourramp, you could tape some carpet onthe cardboard so it won't be so slippery.

Susan : Pebbles is never too much work. It'sjust too much work going to work. :D

Rainbows! :bunnydance:
We are back from the vet BTW.Everything is looking good. He said Tony's eye is healing just as hehoped it would and the parasites in his stool are WAY less, and theones that are there are either dead or deformed.

He did say he saw a little too much yeast in Tony's stool, which wasalso a little soft, so he said I should give him a little yogurt tohelp out his GI tract bacteria.
So here is the little man, post doctorvisit. As you can see i went ahead and got rid of the beddingfrom his cage. I placed one of those grids above hiscarefresh for now. So far so good, he has been pooping inthere a lot.



Today we tried to get another set of the playpen walls, but the one they had at petsmart (in the same box as the onewe already have) didn't match! SO, we couldn't make his pen bigger.

But we did find a seagrass 5x7 rug to put under his play area, so he doesn't eat the carpet and get impacted.

We also got one of those cat tubes for him to run through. He seems to like it a lot.

You can see that we put a grass mat in his cage too.. he is loving to eat it. :)



Your pictures are gone.:jumpforjoy::pullhair:We need them back.



How's the little guys eye doing?
Hi there! I dont know how Ive missed your blog before. Tony Montana is wonderful!

Is he your first bunny? He is a very lucky boy, I can tell he is aspoiled bun already :DBless you guys for taking him in!

PS. as Susan said, a lot of your pics arent showing up anymore. Do youuse photobucket or tinypic? If so, if you edit or move the pics afteryouve copied the link here the pics wont show up anymore. Let me knowif you need any help :)

I cant wait to see more of this special guy. :D
I love your dog in the yoda outfit!!

And you should try yesterdays news! they have it at petsmart but getthe big bag in the cat litter area it's cheaper and is just the same.
They should be back now, I was doing a little work on my website. :)

His eye is MUCH better, plan to get some pictures today.

SOOOSKA wrote:
Your pictures are gone.:jumpforjoy::pullhair:We need them back.



How's the little guys eye doing?
Thank you! Yes he is our first bunny.I have my own webpage: I see all of the pictures when I gothrough the thread... Are they still missing for you guys? Ifso you can see all of the pictures in the thread, up till now at mypersonal webpage listed in myprofile. (Not sure if I am supposed to link it here? If not feel freeto remove the link.)

Haley wrote:
Hi there! I dont know how Ive missed your blog before. Tony Montana is wonderful!

Is he your first bunny? He is a very lucky boy, I can tell he is aspoiled bun already :DBless you guys for taking him in!

PS. as Susan said, a lot of your pics arent showing up anymore. Do youuse photobucket or tinypic? If so, if you edit or move the pics afteryouve copied the link here the pics wont show up anymore. Let me knowif you need any help :)

I cant wait to see more of this special guy. :D
Thanks! I actually found a lady nearme that has horses and she buys woodypet by the truckload, so I have asupply now. I picked up two 30# bags for $12.

Pictures soon I promise! I just have to get the steaks on the grill first. :)

stephiemarie78 wrote:
I love your dog in the yoda outfit!!

And you should try yesterdays news! they have it at petsmart but getthe big bag in the cat litter area it's cheaper and is just the same.
Ugg, I figured out why you guys aren't seeingthe pictures anymore: when I made the gallery the programchanged them all to lowercase .jpg and my links are to uppercase .jpg.

EDIT-IGNORE: [ Can any of you MODS edit the photo links so .jpg is in lowercase? :)

If not let me know and I'll re-upload them as uppercase... ]


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