Well-Known Member
Hey Stan if Pebbles is too much work you can ship her to me. LOL
Hmmm, most feed storesshould carry them. They are designed for horse stalls, somaybe you could try calling and asking for that? A compressedwood pellet for horse stalls.
Maybe try contacting some of the brands listed in other threads directly and asking if they know of any suppliers in your area.
Or, even check pet stores. Some petstores will carryit. It's more expensive that way, but still probably muchcheaper than other litter.
Any place that carries horse tack/equipment should carry the compressed wood pellets.
OurWalmart has wood pellets in the pet section,but they are more expensive because they are labeled forcats. Pet Shops should carry themtoo, but again more expensive.I still think the best bet is a hardware store orfire place shop. Maybe the local shopshave put the wood pellets away because they are seasonalitems.Another placemightbe a horse supply depot.
However Wood Pellets costs way less than any other types of litter (Carefresh).
You can use the screen on top ofCarefresh to try out how it works.I'm just worried Tony might haveaccidents on your carpet. For yourramp, you could tape some carpet onthe cardboard so it won't be so slippery.
Susan : Pebbles is never too much work. It'sjust too much work going to work.
Rainbows! :bunnydance:
Your pictures are gone.:jumpforjoy:ullhair:We need them back.
How's the little guys eye doing?
Hi there! I dont know how Ive missed your blog before. Tony Montana is wonderful!
Is he your first bunny? He is a very lucky boy, I can tell he is aspoiled bun already Bless you guys for taking him in!
PS. as Susan said, a lot of your pics arent showing up anymore. Do youuse photobucket or tinypic? If so, if you edit or move the pics afteryouve copied the link here the pics wont show up anymore. Let me knowif you need any help
I cant wait to see more of this special guy.
I love your dog in the yoda outfit!!
And you should try yesterdays news! they have it at petsmart but getthe big bag in the cat litter area it's cheaper and is just the same.
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