Tomorrow is the BIG day!

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I'm so glad things went well. I know how stressful it can be!

As Buck suggested, the link you can access through the Cheat Sheet isgreat. I used it with my rabbits and they're one big happy family now.
I am so glad they are home and doing ok! Iremember when I had my dog spayed. She is my baby and I almost criedleaving her there lol I went to get her, but they said everytime theytouched her she cried so they assumed she was in pain and kept herovernight to watch her. I went the next day and when the nurse went toget her out of the cage my dog freaked, jumped out and ran to me lolWent back 10 days later for them to remove stitches and once theytouched my dog, she screamed. She wasnt in that much pain before, shejust didnt like those ppl! hehe

I dont look forward to having Chinny done lol

Thanks SO much for all of the advice!Y'all are the BEST! Tinysmom-you are SO funny! I(kinda) did the same thing. I got one of those little cardsyou enclose with a bouquet of flowers and had my buns leave theirsignature (ok, so it's more like bite marks) :)My note toLindsay (the tech that did their surgery) was 'written' by thebuns. It says "Thank you for taking care of us. Weliked the carrots you gave us. We are happy now we can playtogether. Love, Shorty and Star (with arrows pointing totheir bite marks on the card). P.S. Sorry we got fur in yourface."

We are sending a sunflower arrangement.

I know, I am a goof ball. I liked your letter Tiny's mom ;) We are all so silly!
TinysMom wrote:
...We're already starting a "thank you" note to the vets....
After our Missy's successful gastro-intestinal surgery we sent him chocolate covered strawberry and photo of her gazing over a scrabble board. Other staff were left with a carrotcake in shape and flavor in Missy's name.

Nuts, that we all are!


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