Tomorrow is the BIG day!

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Mar 24, 2005
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Since I've joined this forum I have always beenso envious of everyone's posts about their buns gettingaltered. ;) I couldn't WAIT till the day I couldtake my sweeties to the vet to have them spayed and neutered.It seems like they wouldn't grow quick enough to be the proper age foraltering. Well. The day has come and I am SOscared!

Tomorrow (Saturday) is the big day and I couldn't be morenervous. I decided to go with the vet tech under theassistance of the doctor. I am dropping them off tomorrowafternoon. I have a wedding tomorrow night, so hopefully thatMIGHT help me keep my mind off of it.

I can't wait till I can reunite Shorty & Star!! Iknow I will get details from my vet tech and vet about recovery...butmight I kindly ask about your experiences? How long do I keepthem apart? How long do I need to keep them from hopping,binkying, digging, etc...? When should they start to eatagain after surgery? When might they begin to act likethemselves again? I am so excited! UGH!! I feellike it's the last day of school before the summer!!!

Thanks for any advice

Shorty, Star & Krick
Kricket wrote:
but might I kindly ask about your experiences?

Well when I brought Nimué to the vet I was all worried hewas going to attack the Vet, because he HATES males! But to my surprisehe made friends with the vets....:shock: go figure! :D

How long do I keep them apart? I can’t remember if they werebonded before, but if they were bonded before I would wait a coupleweeks to let their hormones go down and for them to heal, if theyhaven’t been bonded yet then I would wait a month at least to make surethere aren't any of those NASTY hormones left! :p

How long do I need to keep them from hopping, binkying, digging,etc...? I kept Nimué in his cage for 3 days :shock: and thereason was because he is sooo big and he had so many stitches I wasafraid they were going to rip, and I didn’t want to have to see that!:) But I would ask your vet what he thinks about play time. :)

When should they start to eat again after surgery? I believethey can eat right a way, they had me bring in food for him so he couldeat after the surgery :)

When might they begin to act like themselves again? Nimuéwas himself right after the surgery, I really didn’t notice adifference until a couple months later, maybe it just takes longer inbigger bunnies :)

How long do I keep them apart? I can't remember if they werebonded before, but if they were bonded before I would wait a coupleweeks to let their hormones go down and for them to heal a bit, if theyhaven’t been bonded yet then I would wait a month at least to make surethere aren't any of those NASTY hormones left! :p
Hi Kricket,

Your little ones will be in my thoughts and prayers today. I know hownervous you are, but do remember that so many of these procedures goalong without a hitch. It's very rare that they lose a rabbit thesedays. Regardless, when they're you're babies, you can't relax untilthey're back with you.

Please let us know when they get home.

Have a great time at the wedding! Dance the night away. :)

Hi there, I am a 1st time bunny mom and just hadmy female bunny spayed this past thursday. I was also verynervous. I found a very experienced vet, so that did helpsome. Snickers came home the same day. I could ofleft her overnight but no one would of been there after 8pm so Idecided to bring her home so I could keep an eye on her. Shecome home and just kindahung out that night not moving aroundtoo much in her cage. Friday am she was now coming over tothe cage when I walked into the room and was looking/acting like mySnickers but still alittle spacey acting. The vetput this gel/ointment on her eyesduring the surgery because Iguess the don't close their eyes. So she looked alittlefreaky w/ the hair around her eyes all slicked back. Snickershas most all of it wiped off now. Today(sat)Snickers is completing back to her old self. :)

My vet gave me discharge instructions if any of the following occurs tocontact them,loss of appetite more then 2 days, refusal todrink water for more then one day, severe depression or weakness,vomiting after the first 24 hours, diarrhea, severe pain, and incisiondrainage swelling or redess.

Snickers started eating and drinkingthe next morning(fri), sono concerns there. She started eating timothy hay first thenby the afternoon she was eating her pellets. Her incisionlooks great, I take a peak when she periscopes.I'mnervous about taking her out of the cage to look. The vetusedglue to close the incision, I think thats so they don'tpull the stiches out. The doc said to restrictexercise for 7-10 days. That will be hard for both of us,Snickers loves her out of cage time and I love watching her.She goes back on tuesday for a re-check.
Good luck... I can't even get Copper fixed forabout 5 more months and I already have his vet picked out and the dateswe are going to try and get it done!! I really hope everything turnsout ok.

Do they have bunny cones (like the ones they put on dogs) to keep the stiches in?
My three buns were done yesterday and I was sonervous. I almost cancelled their surgery...but I'm so gladnow that I went ahead and did it.

Actually, my buns are out of their cages right now and hoppingaround. I asked my vet about keeping them in their cage for afew days but she said that they will restrict their movement anyway andthat is true. They are hopping around - but I'm not seeingany binkies or running - just some hops. My vet didn't wantthem messing with the incisions and she said that she has found if theyhave their normal playtime - it will keep them from being bored andmessing with the incision. So far - that is true.They're happy (although a bit sore) and they're in pretty goodmoods. My vet also wanted them to exercise a bit so they'deat more and they certainly are back to eating!

I paid a bit extra - but my vet gave me painkiller to give them forthree days. I didn't give it to them last night because theywere still under the affects of the painkiller she gave them and I'mdebating about giving it to them today because they seem prettygood. I may give it to them this afternoon so they can getsome rest.

Anyway, I felt my vet was great. She doesn't do many rabbitsbut she does all the rabbits in this area (most people around heredon't neuter). I know her advice wasn't what many on thisboard have received - I'm not sure if it is partly because my bunnieshad gas used on them instead of the other type of anesthesia or what.

But I'm pleased. They aren't totally their normal selves...but pretty close to it!

Whoops - I forgot to add that she gave mecollars for them in case they needed it - but said I could return themfor a refund if we didn't need to use them. They were $9 eachso I will probably be returning them (but I had asked for them just incase).

In some cases rabbits lose their bond with their partner after being separated for a short time. In that advent, you will have to rebond them.

I can't say as to keep them together afterward, either, because if they are in pain, buns sometimes will take it out, in a fit of displaced agression, upon their partners. If both parties are in pain, it might proveeven moredangerous.

Prayers for you and your "gang" go out from here in NJ that all continues to go well.

Hey everyone! ;)

Thanks so much for replying! Everything went verywell! They did my male first and called me two hours afterhis procedure and said he was up and eating pellets, carrots &hay. AND he was drinking water like CRAZY!! :)

The female was done later in the evening and her surgery went welltoo. She took a little longer to come out than theboy. She was slower to eat and drink. As it is aMAJOR surgery for females. Did you know femalerabbits have TWO cervixes (sp?). I had NO idea.Perhaps that is why they can get pregnant the day they give birth??...

They used liquid stitches that feel kinda hard (or crusty).They told me they can't rip their liquid stitches out, so I felt a bitbetter about that. I was told no binkying or jumping forthree days. I also have to use paper towels in theirlitterboxes instead of litter for those three days. I CAN'TWAIT TO PICK THEM UP AND CUDDLE!!! My tech said I could pickthem up in two - three days. IT'S KILLING ME!! Ijust sit at their cages and give them head pets and kisses.

OH! And about that gel they put on theireyes...weird! My boy's eyes didn't look to weird, but thefemale looked very slicked back in the eye area. I kindapanicked! "OH! What's wrong with hereyes!!?!??!!??" The tech explained the same thing to me asMandyvk said. Her eyes still look kinda crusted over.

My girl hasn't been eating like her old self. (The surgerywas on Sat night) How long till females comearound? They are slower to heal than males, right?My boy is goofy! He wants to come out and play sooobad. My girl is just kinda chillin in her little igloo orlaying on her tile. She just seems quiet and shynow. Any stories about your female's recovery?

Thanks again & HUGS!

Shorty, Star & Kricket
I've heard it can take two to three daysbefore they feel up to really eating again. I would give her someNutrical just to help give her a bump. I wonder if she is in pain. Isshe grinding her teeth? Sitting hunched up? If so I would call thevet.

Poor Girl. If she still isn't eating well in another day or twoI would contact the vet. Better safer than sorry. I'm sure she'sfine.

*Sigh of Relief and Joy!*

YAAAY!!! Kricket!!! *high-five*

They're through the worst of it. WaHoo!! I'm thrilled! :D

If you have some NutriCal, I'd give her an inch a day for the firstweek until she's back on her feed. The Ladies do take longer to healthen the Gents. Some can go up to a month before you start to reallysee them become theirselves again. The boys are much quicker to bounceback.

Keep an eye on both of their wounds. As unpleasant as it is, look at ittonight, and each day so that you know it's healing well. Each day itshould look less horrific. Watch for puffiness.

Yay!!! I'm so Glad your babies are home - safe and sound, and back in your excellent tender, loving, care.

Keep us posted!


P.S. It's common for them not to eat at first. The NutriCal comes inhandy then because it'll stimulate her appetite, while giving her thenutrients she's missing, and boost her immune system. I agree withTina. Give it 24-36 hours or so and then call the vet if she stilldoesn't eat anything.
Hi Peg, :)

CONGRATULATIONS on your three getting done too!! WaHooeeyyy!!

Personally, I'd hold off on the pain killers if you can. It can delay their eating habits getting back to normal.

The second day seems to be the slowest day for many rabbits. The firstday, some might be hopping around - or not, but they are still comingoff of the anesthesia.

Hope you have some NutriCal on hand too. :) It can only help.

Best of Luck with your three, and do keep us posted on their progress.


P.S. I just saw how late I am in responding to this, Peg. I'm sorry.Did you end up giving them the pain killers and how are they doingtoday?
dajeti2 wrote:
I've heard it can take two to three days before theyfeel up to really eating again. I would give her some Nutrical just tohelp give her a bump. I wonder if she is in pain. Is she grinding herteeth? Sitting hunched up? If so I would call the vet.

Poor Girl. If she still isn't eating well in another day or twoI would contact the vet. Better safer than sorry. I'm sure she'sfine.


Well, she is eating, but just not like her normal littlepiggy self. She (usually) loves spinich, lettuce, cilantro,parsley...etc...but all she has eaten in the last two days has beenpellets, hay and celery. She has been eating her pellets andhay ok, just not her salads. She will, however, eat carrotsand celery IF I hand feed them to her. ;) I gaveher a nut/oat/dried fruit treat. They are kinda chewy andsticky. She LOVES those, and normally I wouldn't give herfattening treats like that, but under these circumstances I thought Iwould go against the protein/fiber/fat content requirements.She has eaten half of that thing today. I saw her diggingthrough her hay dish (looking for the best pieces) and figured she ison the road to recovery. She is eating well enough to poopand pee plenty. I am just a paranoid mom. ;)

Thanks so much for everyone's thoughts! Y'all made me feel so special! Thanks!

Carolyn, you said to check their wounds. Is it ok to pickthem up? The tech told me to leave them in their cages forthree days. Or did she just mean she doesn't want them tobinky and jump around all crazy? I didn't even think aboutasking specifically if I could pick them up.(Oops!) OH!! And she even taught me how to cliptheir nails! So easy!


Shorty, Star & Krick
Buck Jones wrote:
In some cases rabbits lose their bond with their partnerafter being separated for a short time. In that advent, youwill have to rebond them.

I can't say as to keep them together afterward, either, because if theyare in pain, buns sometimes will take it out, in a fit of displacedagression, upon their partners. If both parties are in pain, it mightproveeven moredangerous.

Prayers for you and your "gang" go out from here in NJ that all continues to go well.


Hey Buck. Thought I could ask ya about bonding.They have been separated for about two months. They arebrother and sister. They have side-by-side playpens in thebig backyard.

The day before their surgery, my sister was holding Shorty, and I waspetting and holding Star. We put their noses near each otherand Shorty started grooming Star. It was soooosweet. Kinda like he was saying: "Hey Sis. I missedyou!"

Do you have suggestiong on re-bonding? Perhaps on neutralground? Maybe for just a few minutes at a time?Then increase the time they spend together? I was thinkingabout the rug in the living room for the re-bonding.Considering it is kinda neutral ground. (They both playthere)

How would you suggest going about re-bonding? Thanks! Krick
To Caroline & Kricket,

Howdy again everyone.

Caroline - I did give pain meds to Tiny & Tio. Tinydefinitely needed it - he would go in my closet and lay there grindinghis teeth. Tiny had a total of 3 doses....Tio had 2doses. I never could catch Kyo and he seemed just fine -except for hopping around with his rear up in the air! It ishilarious and I tried to get a picture but the little stinker was justtoo fast.

Today we saw binkies - LOTS of binkies. In fact - lots andlots of binkies- even from Tiny. He's even back to eating hispellets along with greens and treats and stuff.

Kricket - I would reintroduce them on a table top or in thebathtub. Why? Because that way they can't get away from youand chase each other under something and fight. I read on onewebsite where a lady bonds her bunnies on the tabletop (and she hasseveral of them bonded together). I'd use the bathtub so theydon't jump out....but that's just me.

I'm glad that your bunnies are doing ok from their surgery.The whole thing was worse for me than it was for the buns(almost). I stood in the vet clinic crying for about 10minutes before I'd let them take Tiny away. Then I cried forthe whole drive home. I cried when I got home and looked athis cage. Oh - and I cried when I picked him up and everyonebragged on the bunnies and how well they behaved and how they'd handledthem. Tell me - why is it my boys won't let me hold them -but they'll let the vets hold them?

We're already starting a "thank you" note to the vets. It is going to go something like this:

"Dear Bunny Doctor & friends,

Thank you for taking care of us when mommy deserted us lastweek. We saw mommy crying and wanted to make her feel betterbut after we woke up from our nap - we wanted to cry too. Youwere so nice to hold us and feed us the treats mommy sent us.It felt soooo good to have you pet us too. We may even letmommy pet us once we get done being mad at her.

We've been telling our brother and sister about you and we're enclosinga pictures of them and of us so you won't forget us and you'llrecognize them. We're also warning them to not go in thenapping box because they'll want to cry when they come out too.

Anyway, thank you for taking care of us until mommy cameback. We're eating and drinking now and mommy even got us newtoys.

Kyo, Tio & Tiny" its going to be something like that!

Kricket wrote:
Hey Buck. Thought I could ask ya about bonding.They have been separated for about two months. They are brother and sister. They have side-by-side playpens in the big backyard.

The day before their surgery, my sister was holding Shorty, and I was petting and holding Star. We put their noses near each other and Shorty started grooming Star. It was soooo sweet. Kinda like he was saying: "Hey Sis. I missed you!"

Do you have suggestiong on re-bonding? Perhaps on neutral ground? Maybe for just a few minutes at a time?Then increase the time they spend together? I was thinking about the rug in the living room for the re-bonding.Considering it is kinda neutral ground. (They both play there)

How would you suggest going about re-bonding? Thanks! Krick
Seems like you've got a good handle on it already, so just move forward with it. If you're looking for more techniques, access A Cheat Sheet for Rabbit Care to find links to good bonding sites.

Happy to hear you all did well.


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