Well-Known Member
ahaha!! 3lbs ! Fatty is 8lbs now and he's definately not ahermaphrodite...he was just a laaaaate bloomer..and the hormones arejust kicking in now around 10/11 months ..makes me wonder how big hesgonna get!Thank you for all you wonderful thoughts! on a lighternote,...I just weighed freddy about a week ago and the scale said2lbs...now today at the vet's office the lil porker weighed in at 3lbs!he just seems to get these growth spurts out of nowhere! I havecraisins waiting for him when he gets back..i hope hes not mad atme
but just one quick question ...should I leave him and Vickyin the cage together during re-coop time, or separate? They are verypassive with each other except for when he's feeling "lovey-dovey"..
:rofl:...i can put up with spraying on the walls, occasionallysheets but the lil ******d got me right between the eyes lastnight