Well-Known Member
Im in... I could loose at least 25 pounds...
Would it help if we said a word or two about why some of usstopped our exercise programs? I mean, if we express what happened in the past (such as loss of significant other, job, pet, ect) maybe that could help us lend a hand to each to get over those hurdles for this "time around." Nothing too in depth because we don't want to pry into other's business, but many of us seem depressed or sad about recent events. Will this help to "move on" to some degree as well as enhance support?
Excellent idea...I am for it .. but only if you feel up to pressure people..
myheart wrote:
Would it help if we said a word or two about why some of usstopped our exercise programs? I mean, if we express what happened in the past (such as loss of significant other, job, pet, ect) maybe that could help us lend a hand to each to get over those hurdles for this "time around." Nothing too in depth because we don't want to pry into other's business, but many of us seem depressed or sad about recent events. Will this help to "move on" to some degree as well as enhance support?
:yeahthat:Since I was almost to my goal when I went on vacation 6 weeks ago, I'm only off by about 8 lbs now. I'm hoping this will helpget me back on track. I find that I can do pretty well if I keep track of my food, (eat frequently but healthier and correct portions) and exercise more, even if it's just a 10 minute walk it will help! I will shoot for the 90-10% rule (and hopefully make it to 80-20%) and hope that if I'm good 90% of the time I can have my taco bell once in a while.My problem is not reaching my goal, it is continueing to exercise and eat right after I meet my goal.
So apparently your metabolism wans after 40.. Go figure.. So this is exactly what is needed.. I'm not so concerned about what weight I'm at as I just want to feel "good" about how I feel.. I have so many cute skinny clothes I'd like to wear again.. lol..
But NOW you have this network!!! I know what you mean about about how you can lose support as you get older - some people change in their 30's, 40 and 50's.. Its hard but you must muster on.. Girlfriends can be such smarmy friends from time.. Glad you want to sign up - it will be fun and I think (hope) will show us all that we can do something positive for ourselves and remind us that we need to be there as much for ourselves as for family, husbands, children, buns, etc..I also losta few of my closest friends; one to suicide, one to lung cancer, and one because he thought our relationship changed too much (not so). I lost every one who supported the things I did and listened to my problems. I lost my network...
So I got up this morning, set myself a goal, threw open the curtains, said "Ello World"..and started this thread. I figured if I was like this. theres got to be others who could benefit from the support..