Toby isn't himself again!

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Yup, that was the one! We took I-94E to 45N then onto Silver Spring. That is the only place that I have EVER seen a Hallmark store with bars on the windows! Nothing says "Happy Anniversary" like stealing a greeting card... *eye roll*

A few more poopies today. He attacked the bowl of pellets I put in there for him to munch on. He has had nothing but hay since last night (oh, and some cilantro!). He has been happily nibbling.

His coat is all messed up. He is molty, and his fur is kind of greasy looking from all the hands handling him. Excessive comfort petting probably didn't help, either. :p

Will has been calling him Quazimoto since he saw what sub-q fluids look like after being administered... *sigh*
I missed this until earlier when I was doing the news! :nerves1

Poor Toby, and you.

I'm glad to hear he's pooping and eating. I hope he keeps getting better! Come on Toby, stop scaring mummy! :(

I feel like a rat because it's his 4th birthday tomorrow and I have to keep stabbing him with needles and syringe icky liquids down his throat. :(

Ahh, well. I guess everyone gets one like that!
I haven't slept yet! :biggrin2:

So, we kind of botched his PM sub-q's... I stuck him twice and only got half the fluid in. Being that he is drinking a little, I don't think I am going to stick him a third time. He will get more in the morning, anyway. The first time, he reared back a little and I pulled the needle so he wouldn't get hurt. The second time, he twitched and the needle came out and flicked up (it was stuck on the skin). That couldn't have felt good. Despite being evil bunny parents and poking him with all sorts of uncomfy things, Will and I both got lots of bunny kisses on the nose! :D
I'm glad there are poops and eating!
You know what helped Bo a lot? Orchard Grass! He decided he loves it very much and ate a ton of it. He used to not touch the stuff! Do you ever give it to Toby?
Poor baby.... give him kisses from me!
He used to love orchard grass! It was the only thing he would eat until Berry-Boo came along. He decided that everything else was more tasty when stolen. Right now, Kleenmama's 3rd cut timothy is his vice. ;)

Thank you for the concern! :D I would give him kisses for you, but he has been attacking us and giving us kisses when we try! It's so weird! I love it! :D
If Will is helping you with the sub q's you can always have him give a treatto Toby' while you put the needle in or else have him pet his head or ears soToby is already being touched when the needle goes in. ..some kind of physical distraction . if you are doing it alone pet him a lot before you do it and mess with his fur .. maybe brush him a little ..that way the needle isn't such a shock.

like giving a child a lollipop when you give him a shot
It sounds like you have done a great job with Toby, and I don't have much to add except that this kind of 'relapse' is really, really common with rabbits that have been through stasis (especially if partial blockage due to food/hair was involved).

It takes forever for hair masses to travel through the gut and it is totally common for part of the mass to get 'plugged' around a tight corner etc. When this happens they show symptoms of gas, but without hard tummy etc. I think a better term would be 'abdominal discomfort'. Treating for gas is completely ok as it would develop to some quantity anyway. I dealt with this exact same scenario with Sass last summer and into the Fall, he has a slow GI prone to gas and that combined with warm weather/major shedding and decreased hay consumption made for a nightmare scenario. But he got out of it pretty much using the same procedure as Toby is getting, and he is 200% better now.

Just wanted to put that out there- sometimes these things take a looooong time (or is it 'Rabbit Time'?) and of course with everything Rabbit patience is required!

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