To Tiny's mom or anybody else that has lionheads.

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Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2005
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Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA
I recently acquired a lionhead female that wasobviously abused. She is terrified of me and especially of beingtouched. I've had her a couple of months now and she isn'tgetting better. On the rare occasion that I pick her up shebreathes really loudly, and makes squeaking noises. I'vealways read how good a lionheads personality is but I can't get throughto her. I've been very patient with her but am not seeing anyimprovement. Anysuggestions? She hasthe run of my bathroom and lives with a lionhead mix that lost hermane. She is the one on the left.


Some of my advice is going to go against whatothers are going to tell you - so you need to think through what youfeel most comfortable with and do that - ok?

When we got Miss Bea...she had been a classroom bunny for ayear. She was very upset and very territorial and attacked uswhenever we opened her cage. Since she was bred, I had about28-30 days to get her used to us before the babies came (I knew I'dneed to check the nestbox, etc).

We all opened her cage door several times per day to pet us.When she attacked us, we put our hand firmly (but not overly hard) onher head and said in a firm voice, "NO". Then after about 10seconds, we'd let her go and pet her.

I also took her out of her cage at least once a day and heldher. She hated me at first and she would breathe hard,etc. But I really needed her to get used to my touch - and inthis case, I was on a schedule where I only had a certain number ofdays.

We also would offer her cheerios when we'd open her cage.Sometimes she would take them - a couple of times she tried to throwthem at us. We didn't always offer her cheerios every time weopened the door too - because let's face it - she didn't need THAT manycheerios.

One day though, I got to thinking, "What if I responded to her angerwith love instead of just firmness?". So - when she attackedme again - I held her head down (a submissive thing in rabbits) forabout 2 seconds and said, "no" and then I started petting her andcooing at her.

Within 14 days she started letting us pet her sometimes and by the timeshe had her babies - she was so used to us that she didn't mind mechecking on them and checking her.

Anyway, if I were you, I would hold her one to two times perday. When she doesn't fight you, I'd have a treat on hand atfirst....maybe. I'm not sure how I feel about that becausethen they always expect treats. Remember though - she needsto get used to your touch because if she gets ill - you willneed to hold her to medicate her.

I'd also take something that has my scent (and I'm willing to lose) andthrow it in there with her. My does love having a bit offabric in their cages sometimes as a I take a piece offabric and rub it all over my arms and then throw it in withthem. Hmm....I wonder if they try to destroy the fabricbecause it smells like me? :D

If she's been abused - which it sounds like - she is going to need timeand extra love. I think we were so successful w/ Miss Beabecause there were four of us working with her - so she had many manymany opportunities to get petted.

I'd also give your doe some toys - I find lionheads love the little catballs that have bells or something inside them. Some of themlike to chew on wooden beads and stuff too.

I really think holding her and helping her to know you care by pettingher will help a lot and the more she's held - the more she will getused to it.

I have one doe here that I bought 12/3. I really haven'tworked with her and I've noticed just recently how scared sheis. Unfortunately, I mated her shortly after I brought herhome because she is an older doe that needed to start producing againor it would be much harder for her. With the kids home thelast month - I've mainly let her lay in her cage and do her own thing -but when I petted her yesterday - she trembled. So, I'mbringing her out of her cage for at least 15-30 minutes per day to beheld and petted. I'm finding that I get tooth purrs from herif I rub right behind her ears - at the base of the ears. SoI do that a lot now.

Good luck. Let me know if you have more questions.I feel so sorry for your doe - she's very pretty. Based on myexperience with Miss Bea, I'm thinking she can come out of it - it willjust take time.

zoecat6- hi -

I'm sorry to hear your baby has suffered in the past - she's beautiful.

Don't know if'll help or reassure any but my lionhead alfie was arescue bun. She was VERY timid until her more affectionate sister diedand then slowly (and maybe only coincidentally) she startedto accept a little bit of love.Thiswasabout4 months ago (I got the pair in April 05)andonly this week did2 landmarks come at once.Monday she started eating out of my hand (this took so long!) and thenWednesday she let me stroke her nose withoutrunningaway. And it's not like I spend very little time with her -I'm a research student and I work from home - she free roams untilbedtime!

This might sound discouraging (I hope not) but what I'm trying to sayis - I thought she'd never come around but she IS - and it feels soooogood - nothing for ages and then these two special things!Maybe bunnies are a bit like buses...

Good luck
alfie and angel wrote:
she free roams until bedtime!
This is so neat. We actually have four does that "free roam'in our bedroom...all the time. It is amazing to watch the interactionbetween them. I never thought it would work out - but they doso well together. I think lionheads can be so curious - thatfreeroaming can be great...or dangerous!

My weanilings also frequently free roam the rabbitry during theday.....and they love it. I think it helps them become morecurious or outgoing or something...

TinysMom wrote:
I think lionheads can be so curious - that freeroaming canbe great...or dangerous!

My weanilings also frequently free roam the rabbitry during theday.....and they love it. I think it helps them become morecurious or outgoing or something...


I agree - when Alfie is being particularly inquisitive (increasingly)her ears go right forward like she's looking for some trouble to get in- we call it 'Explorer Ears'!

That's so cute that you can watch them interact - just think of all those ears exploring together!:apollo::bunnybutt:
I don't think your doe was abused. This kindof thing usually happens when rabbits are raised in large rabbitrieswhere they don't get handled that much after birth. They get very lttleattention from the breeders and therefore are scared of people,especially if the mom is the same way. The kits learn it. Itis up to you if you want to keep her, to teach her that humans aren'tall that bad. If she has free roam, DON"T chase her. Corral her in asmall area and take your time to get her picked up. If you are afraidof getting bit, take a big thick towel, hold it up in front of you anduse it to corral her in a corner. Then when you have her trapped, wrapthe towel around her and pick her up, covering her eyes/head up as youcarry her. Spend ALOT of time each day and brush her, rub/massage heraround the ears. Give her a carrot or a leaf of endive each time youwork with her. She WILL learn to love it eventually. If she is in acage, still use the towel to pick her up (or gloved hands) if she bitesuntil she becomes used to you. Good luck with her.
She was raised in a home with kids so I thinkthat she should be socialized, instead of terrorized. I havea feeling that the parents gave her no attention and the kids werereally rough on her. I've never seen a more afraid rabbit inmy life. And of course I will keep her, once I get an animalI never abandon it like her first family did.
That is so sad. That is why I am soooo afraid ofselling my rabbits as pets. I have seen that kind of thing happen firsthand (relatives) and it really hurt me...and the rabbit. I do hope youcan convince her that all humans aren't like that. Just give her atreat every time you deal with her...she will get the idea...hopefully.Good luck.

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