Hi Matthew!
I hope all is going well with you and the start of school.
Your mom told us how many awards you won last week at the Fair.
You really cleaned up the table with all those trophiesand ribbons. Your Mom was also telling me about how big of ahelp you are to her at the shows. Good Job,Matthew!
Someone sent me these pictures of some sand sculptures. Iposted them in SLG and LyzzieBoo's thread, and didn't want you to missthem either. I would've loved to have seen them up close andpersonal.
Just wanted to say hello and send you a High-Five on the shows. :highfive: Excellent Job!
Talk to you soon, Matthew!
I hope all is going well with you and the start of school.
Your mom told us how many awards you won last week at the Fair.
You really cleaned up the table with all those trophiesand ribbons. Your Mom was also telling me about how big of ahelp you are to her at the shows. Good Job,Matthew!
Someone sent me these pictures of some sand sculptures. Iposted them in SLG and LyzzieBoo's thread, and didn't want you to missthem either. I would've loved to have seen them up close andpersonal.
Just wanted to say hello and send you a High-Five on the shows. :highfive: Excellent Job!
Talk to you soon, Matthew!