My Dear Friend, "The Missus",
What a really pleasant surprise to see you posted in our baby girl'sthread. I do so love having Buck's name mentioned in this forum. Thereisn't a time I come in here and don't think about him.
I had originally thought Fauna's color was Frosted Pearl, but aftertalking to Pam the other day, she said in Mini Lops, they're consideredFrosted Pearl and in Hollands, it's called Frosty. She hadn'treferenced her Standards, but was pretty sure. I looked it up in Buck'sold Standards book, but it wasn't mentioned.
Little 'Big' Girl spent the night out and about last night. She causesno trouble at all and she really didn't want to go back in her cage, soI let her roam. When I got up this morning, she was scratching her wayinside the empty Rabbit Chow bag and then was stealing Cali's hay fromthe outside of Cali's cage. She's so funny the way she sits and staresat Cali. It reminds me so much of how she was with Tucker that firstmonth she was here.
I've put her back in her cage for the day, although I did contemplateleaving her out because she's so well behaved. Tucker was furious thatshe was out and he wasn't as well, so I put her back.
She's happily nibbling on her food, hay and drinking water, so All's Well.
Thanks for stopping in. It's so great to see you!