To Carolyn:

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You Really got methinking and searching forthe Standards with Hollands ,While you know Hollands are not myFavorite Breed, what Yousaid got me off and running . Most ofthe sites I visiterd hadevery other color Holland You couldimagine, Only One had the Colorof Fauna , From what You saidand what I found this isnt avery common color.There are veryfew of this color out thereyou have a very special Baby .I have a link for you to see its one ofthe best ones I found andhas many different colors includingFaunas .
The Site works butnot the color one , for some strangereason the URL is missing forcolor but all the others workand G|Fauna's color is inthere TheBucks name is M'sCasper. Showsthe color perfectly ,

I think I jealouse , I can never get theodder colors to Photograph anywherenear that good !
Dear Gypsy,

Thank you so much. Leave it to you to take the ball and run with it. Iwish you and Buck had overlapped in conversations more. He would've SoLoved the way you approach a question and investigate it.

After a recent compliment of her color from a friend, I checked withPam. Pamnock said Fauna's color isn't one often seen on The Table.There aren't a lot of Frosty Hollands out there. I couldn't find hercolor in the copy of the Standards that I have. Thank you so much forthe link. :hug:

Let's just Hope DaisyNBuster doesn't see this thread. :pray:

I look forward to having you hold her and then tell me what you think of Hollands after next weekend.

"I'm melltttinnngggg..." :witch:


LMAO If I wasgoing to melt Hon thiscertainly would have done it .


LMAO ! Besides the s ize of meIf I ever Melted there would be this bigOle' puddle all over You floor and justthinkof the time you would have tospend cleaning me Up LOL !:witch:

And Your Very Welcome !

You've melted for The Best (Tucker), now you will melt for the rest.

Cali (Flower): No Question...

Get ready to have a change of heart. I know that you had a bad experience with a Holland, but you've never held Fauna.

You just Wait!

:witch: = :inlove:

This picture shows a great picture of of her color ,


Still think the photos dont do her a bitof Justice , you would have to see her inthe Fur.
There' my Fauna girl.:love:She is so special and pretty... I still want her! lol.
MyBunnyBoys wrote:
There' my Fauna girl.:love:She is so special and pretty... I still want her! lol.

It took Two Years for her to kiss me, and I know for A Fact that she has Never Kissed Anybody Else.

Just T R Y to take her out of Tucker Town.


You can have Kiara... :laugh:Ya right, I'm sure you knew I'd never get rid of my baby.
Nuh uh! :XShe loves ME, you can't have her!

She kisses anyone and everyone but she kisses me the most. She'll kissmy mom when I bring her in but only once or twice then she'll stop, ifit's me, she'll kiss me until I wont let her anymore (my hand starts togo numb after she licks the same spot over and over again). ;)

But she's ALL mine! :brat:
Buck issooooooooooooooooooo...........................happy that Fauna startedgiving you kisses................well, wasn't it about time,aye'! We were informed that Fauna's color is "graypearl." Ever heard that description before???
My Dear Friend, "The Missus",

What a really pleasant surprise to see you posted in our baby girl'sthread. I do so love having Buck's name mentioned in this forum. Thereisn't a time I come in here and don't think about him.

I had originally thought Fauna's color was Frosted Pearl, but aftertalking to Pam the other day, she said in Mini Lops, they're consideredFrosted Pearl and in Hollands, it's called Frosty. She hadn'treferenced her Standards, but was pretty sure. I looked it up in Buck'sold Standards book, but it wasn't mentioned.

Little 'Big' Girl spent the night out and about last night. She causesno trouble at all and she really didn't want to go back in her cage, soI let her roam. When I got up this morning, she was scratching her wayinside the empty Rabbit Chow bag and then was stealing Cali's hay fromthe outside of Cali's cage. She's so funny the way she sits and staresat Cali. It reminds me so much of how she was with Tucker that firstmonth she was here.

I've put her back in her cage for the day, although I did contemplateleaving her out because she's so well behaved. Tucker was furious thatshe was out and he wasn't as well, so I put her back.

She's happily nibbling on her food, hay and drinking water, so All's Well.

Thanks for stopping in. It's so great to see you!


What a great site you have, Sharon.

I think The Missus meant Frosted Pearl, not grey pearl.

Fauna definitely looks like that Frosted Pearl. Gotta findout if it's divided up as Pam said whereas mini lops are Frosted Pearland Hollands are Frosty's.

Thank you. I really enjoyed your website. Excellent job!

Pam is right. They are known as Frostyin Hollands. However, my standard has them listed indifferent groups. In Hollands, frosty is listedunderWide Band group and in Mini's, it is Frosted pearl andis listed under the shaded group. I am wondering if there isa difference in the color. PAMMMMM weneed you!!!!!! lol.

Starlight Rabbitry wrote:
Pam is right. They are known as Frosty inHollands. However, my standard has them listed in differentgroups. In Hollands, frosty is listed underWideBand group and in Mini's, it is Frosted pearl and is listed under theshaded group. I am wondering if there is a difference in thecolor. PAMMMMM we need you!!!!!! lol.


Same color -- The Holland Lop standard committee just stuck it under adifferent group name. The color itself can vary widelybecause of the different shading/tipping and eye colors allowed.

Carolyn -- what color is at the base of the coat when you blow intoit? Is it white or grayish at the base? White wouldbe a frosty, grayish would be a chin or squirrel. (Does she have brown(chin) or blue-gray (squirrel) eyes?)


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