to carolyn

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Thank you, but in truth, everyone cares as muchas I do.I feel badly about being singledout. Everyone should be given the credit I've gotten in thispost. My hat is off to ALL of You!

God Bless Us - Everyone!



I always post late(damned equator line)LOL

THANKS CAROLYN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

don't feel bad or emabarassed by being singled out, if it weren't foryou to be the administrator/ moderator we wouldn't have a forum or suchFUN times here :D
Better late than never I hope.

Thanks Carolyn....You'll never really know how much you are appreciated.

Dido! Thanks a bunch! i've never been on a forumwhos is soooo friendly like it is here! thanks! and thanks to everyoneeles for makign me feel welcome here.. (Cinn says thanks too! ;) lol)
I just think Carolyn you are indeed great andwhat a lovely poem, or sonnet, or haiku, or................................I really don't know (thats my sis'sdepartment)

There has never been such a finer lady than ourCarolyn. I have known her nearly a year now and she has always beenthere when I have needed her. I just hope one day I can return thefavour.

I think everyone else has pretty much summed up our girl before me, soall I can say is Caroyln you knowI love you!!!!!!
