To Carolyn

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Oh, oh, oh!!!!!! My Bubby!!!!!!! Look, look!!!!!!

My Bubby!!!!!!!!!...

Oh, this is too precious ... I don't know how much more of this I can take ...

I'm melting, ElfMommy!

Do something with Buck Jones's Missy, Please???

AHHHHHHHHHHHH ELF MOMMY I LOVE IT!!!!!!! I'm soexcited!!!! OK hold on, I'll be right back. This is awesome!!!! THANKYOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!

That's HYSTERICAL, ElfMommy!

Yes, the original was Fauna, but you got Missy down pat!!

They're often confused - no worries.

That's too funny! Thank you!

I think we should do all 3 of Carolyn's rabbitsin Santa hats and then get BunnyMommy to make it change the pictureslike she did mine a while back.

Oh Laura,

That's Perfect! Thank You! I love it!!

Look at that baby girl. She looks mad, but she's just content.

When I picked her up from the airport and I looked inside that cage, Ithought, "God! I hope she doesn't bite. :shock: What did I get myselfinto??" She's so much fun and so gentle. I trust her completely - and Iknow I can.

That picture is Great.

Thank You,
-Carolyn and Cali

Bo B Bunny wrote:
Aww you didn't have a little Grinch bunny did you??

Hi Bo,

Technically, you could call Tucker my Grinch, but definitely not Fauna.

She's my Christmas Angel. She's the most loving, compassionate, gentle,and kindest heart of all of us. She's without A Doubt, One in aMillion.

She gave me one angry look when she had had enough of the flash of acamera going off in her face. It's the picture above, but Missy, who isBuck Jones' baby girl, looks like her.

Missy can go into that Grinch mode - quickly - if she doesn't getthings her way. She'd never bite, but she knows how to get on yournerves when she's unhappy.

Tucker is no Grinch! He belongs at the top of the tree with Fauna! And too late, I claimed Mocha the Grinch. ;)

(I've posted this like 10 times, lol.)

Oh My GOD! :shock:

That is Really Scary!!!!



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