do you even wonder where my name came from now????? LOL*laughs*
Don't even tell me you're not normal because what does that say about me being on the phone with you for that long?! :shock:
The unbelieveable part is that if it wasn't so late, I know we could've kept talking for another hour.
LOL.......taking the time..... LOL well i think it's good you can chatfor so long because I am a hard person to get off the phone LOL I'dhave talked all night if you let me LOL.. You learned just how much Ican talk LOL"But...tell me this, Gabby..."
* * * * * * *
I learned a lot from our chat. Thank you for taking the time.
anytime you wanna take me on LOL a talk a thon LMAO...course I start talking silly when It gets lates, I don't need to drinkstaying up late is like being drunkHonestly?
I thought I did all the talking.
I really did take your advice and have been handling Cali. She's okay with me.