You all are really the most WONDERFULpeople. Thank you so much for your care andconcern. Never feel afraid to broach this subject withme. I know that everyone is different, but it doesn't hurt meto talk about it. In fact, I welcome the release.
You really don't know how healing it is to know that there are peoplesuch as yourselves who really care about my grief and loss.
Stephanie, you are so sweet. You are a most welcome andvalued addition to this board. Your warmth, intelligence, andsincerity comes through on every post. I thank you forthinking of me and taking the time to be with us in spirit on yourbirthday while Danny was laid to rest. Really, if you couldhave been there to witness the outpouring of love on that day and thejoy that was present over the surety that he was now with the Lord itwould give you cause to make every birthday a celebration.Thank you, thank you over and over for having this type of concern forme.
Raspberry, I think that you've felt a lot of what I'm feelingnow. I'll probably be writing you off board in the nextcouple of days or so.
MyBunnyBoys, I had forgotten about your losses of this year!My heart goes out to one so young to have to suffer suchtragedy. I know that you probably can't understand this rightnow, but the experience makes you stronger in the end. Myprayers and thoughts go out to you. Write me if you need asupportive shoulder or an open ear.
Luna21, thank you, thank you so much.
Luvabun, you and my precious Perry and Pernod are always such a sourceof comfort to me. I still let out a refrain of the "Perry andPernod" song every now and then. Thank you for being theperson that you are.
Pam, the depth of your compassion never fails to amaze me.Thank you for thinking of me with all that you have going on in yourown life.
Pepper, bless your heart. You're a true survivor and have myutmost respect. I'll be thinking of you too during these longand lonely holidays.
Mygirl2K3 and Bluebird, thank you so much for your concern and sentiments. You are both so sweet.
Gabby, thank you so much for adding your sentiments. I always find your words so well placed.
Everyone, you had no way of knowing that I've been pretty downcast overthe last week or so. I really, really miss Danny and it's astrange feeling to have this kind of grief envelope you while the restof the world goes on as normal. It's like you're on theoutside looking in. You really don't know how your kindnesshas uplifted my spirits. I don't know how so many wonderfulpeople have come to find this board, but I'm so glad and so happy thatyou all are here. Thank you for being such wonderful friendsand for stepping out of your comfort zone to try to ease my grief.
Thank you so much again ... * HUGE hug *