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It's an internal. Thanks for even trying, PGG.

Hope hubby can find your little one's old stroller! How cool would that be??!


P.S. Tina's got a Sony.
Yes her computer was ona surge protector itkilled that also , It was the 6consecutive strikes that fired everything, personally speaking she is luckyit didnt burn thehouse down .

LMAO At the Bunny ButtChriusta does have tude to say the least, what she lacks in size she more thanmakes up for lol whata stinker lol . Hopi is asweety for sure , thoPoor Dale didnt remember Tinatelling him she wasnt going to bea tiny rabbit ( snicker sheis1/2 N Z lol ) Dale Picked thegirls up at 9 49 this morning , and Ihad Tina laughing so hard ,When Dale saw Christa allyou could see wasthis rough tough trucker turninto a pile of oozze he was apuddle lmao it was so funny, As much as we like tothink pictures are true to life ( realTime ) there is nothing in theworld that compares to seeingyour new Kids in thefurr , Pictures do notdo the Girls justice at all, a lot of detail is lostwith lighting and flash , Ithink he was dumb struck by theiractual beauty . I cant waittill they get home and I reallywish I was there to seethe reaction on Tinas facewhen she lays eyes onthem for the very first time, It is SOOOOOOOOO going tobe priceless.
Quicky update , Talked to Tina a bit ago ,

Dale says oneof the girls (Christa i think ( has gotten socomfortable with the truck shehops down to thebottom door window and watchesthe world wizz by her , She wasSo mad Dale put a roll of papertowel in HER window both Girlsshredded it all over the truck , LOL .they have even gotten socomfortable as to flop out withtheir legs behind them . Dalehas Rabbit proofed thetruck everything chewablehas been put up put of theirreach , lol . Even Little Hopihas made a flying dash back to theircarrier to use the wee wee pad insteadof pottying on the floor (how sweet ) . Near scared Dalehalf to death till herealized whatshe was doing .So our Little Girlsare now South boundand down loaded up and truckin , Dale ishoping for a load a few milesfrom home so he canDrop the Girls homewith their new Mommy, but truth to tell heis going to miss themterribly and haseven been entertaining theidea of getting a littletrucker baby to keep on theroad with him LOL .
Well Tina, we've been on a few walks and Corkyreally seems to enjoy it..but its gotten hot and after his surgery wehaven't been out..I didn't want to take a chance of him trying to getout and hurting his incisions. Now if it cools off, we'llhave to go again as Doc told me he's pat the point of popping anystitches.

I'd like to get Oreo used to it so I can use that at the hospital, butshe frightens alot easier, so not sure how easy that'll be! Maybe oncethings with Corky settle more and he doesn't need as much care/timeI'll work on her!
Carolyn and Gypsy, thank you both for keeping everyone up to speed. You are both so Awesome.

PPG,I am so glad Corky loves his stroller. It is so fun and somuch easier taking them around that way isn't it? Plus the looks onpeople's faces are way too funny.

thank you all for the concern. It means alot. The lightningfried my modem. They finally sent a tech out yesterday and he replacedthe modem. Wouldn't you know it, It was storming again:Xandblew the new modem:X:X:X!! He was so cool because he never mentionedthat the lightning fried this one too. He just said that it startedgiving the same error message as before. How cool is he.

i went and bought a new modem today and installed it with jer'shelp. I am going next week and buying another one because I AM NOTGOING TO BE CUT OFF FROM YA'LL AGAIN.

Let me know if you ever need help, have Carolynor Gypsy pm me if you can't get on. I am a pc tech for aliving and can fairly easily walk you thru what would need done!

Also, they do make surge protectors that you can plug your phone lineinto as well the power for the pc, thatshould help with thelightning issues..or try to unplug the line from the modem duringstorms....

Oh and yes....the neighbors think we're insane I'm sure strollering around a 3.5lb bunny!!
I don't know if it's juststrong stormsor what but we've blown 2 surge protectors and 2 modems. I am simplygoing to totally unplug the computer from the wall when it startsstorming. I'm also going to invest in another modem so heaven forbidI'm not quick enough I have a back up.

I love the fact that you and Corky have so much fun with his stroller. Isn't it awesome lmbo.

Well Tina...I believe somewhere you said youwanted pics...this was the best I could do tonite as the camera batterywas about dead :( Thankfully the neighbors have gotten usedto it...tonite one of them had some friends over and asked me to stopso they could see him. LOL...I said yeah, I'm the crazy neighbor thatwalks around with a bunny in a stroller..they actually thought it waskinda neat! :shock:

Corky hadn't been out in the stroller for a few weeks due to surgerythen the cooled off tonite so I thought we'd try again..he didGREAT!!! He loves to put his lil feet on the edge and peekoutbut due to the battery being dead I didn't get a good shotof that...but here he is!!


And its busy workbein a bunny out on the town.....this is'd think HE was the one with the bad knee out on the walk! :D


PuterGeekGirl wrote:
Well Tina...I believe somewhere you said you wantedpics...this was the best I could do tonite as the camera battery wasabout dead :( Thankfully the neighbors have gotten used toit...tonite one of them had some friends over and asked me to stop sothey could see him. LOL...I said yeah, I'm the crazy neighbor thatwalks around with a bunny in a stroller..they actually thought it waskinda neat! :shock:

Corky hadn't been out in the stroller for a few weeks due to surgerythen the cooled off tonite so I thought we'd try again..he didGREAT!!! He loves to put his lil feet on the edge and peekoutbut due to the battery being dead I didn't get a good shotof that...but here he is!!


And its busy workbein a bunny out on the town.....this is'd think HE was the one with the bad knee out on the walk! :D

OMGosh!! He looks adorable. I love the way his stroller accentshis color. Very chic. What a sweet mommy taking him for walks when Iknow your knee is bothering you so much. I swear, looking at the secondpicture you would never in a million years guess the hard road you andhe have traveled these last few months. He looks incredible. I can'tthank you enough for sharing these pictures.

Tina aka the Other Crazy Lady:p
Thanks Tina...thats his "good side"....but hishair is growing back and he just looks better all the way around....therest of his fur is lookin as it should and his face and eyes, seem alotclearer. Not sure if you think thats crazy, but if you'veever seen a very sick bunny, I think you know. I thought Iwas nuts at first when I told that to Dr Mark, he said no your right,just like a human, they can look like they don't feel well.

He's by far the bunny of my heart and the lil stinker knows it. Hubbytries to pull the shade thing down so he can have some shade while inthe stroller, even tho it has a sunroof, he doesn't go for it, he HASto be able to turn around and see me. He's a big light in mylife..that much I know!

And yeah, the knee is bad, so I told him we'd have to go for a "hobble"instead of a walk, and we didn't go that far...poor lil guy really hadto check out my knee brace...he knows somethings up!
Apollo is the same way with me. He has to be able to see me at all times.

Not a day goes by that I think of you and Corky at least a hundred times. I am praying for you both.

:laugh:Hobbles instead of walks, you are too much. HAve the doctors said what they are going to do?

I understand exactly what you mean. When Apollo had hisconcussion, for a long time I could see the pain and confusion on hisface and in his eyes.

You both hurry and get better. We're pulling for ya both.

Tina & the Zoo Crew
All I know so far is Friday I found out theresults of the MRI and its an ACL tear (which I thought it was) dunnohow bad or anything yet, its on to the orthopedic this next week, (Drwill call with appt) to find out how bad and where we go fromhere. Last time I did this it was a reconstruction and closeto 9 months rehab....hoping the process has gotten better in the last11 years!

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