Hey PaGal,
I never really thought of Prince George VA being that far away after all I live in Prince George County MD, but I know where you are in VA (MY family is originally from South Carolina- Darlington , Hartsville, Chesterfield area) and I know what you mean about some of the points you posted in your blog..
QUOTE: We made it back home. I must say I have apparently adjusted to living in the south. As we drove home I brought up how unfriendly the people that worked at the hotel/motel (I don't get the difference) were. Hubby reminded me that when I had first moved down here I found it odd how workers in stores etc would greet you in such a friendly manner. QUOTE
YES, but then again it has it disadvantages at time that 'friendliness'. I think some people call it talking too much. Case in point, when the bed fell on me and broke some ribs because Lady got out and was under the bed, I went to Urgent Care. They did not ask what happened. I did not want to sound stupid as hell saying, my rabbit escaped and
got under the bed and I balanced the bed frame and springs upright and they fell back on me when I was trying to get her out... blah blah.. I just said I had an accident and they moved on.
I told my cousin who lives in SC that and he was like, here the doctor would have asked you over and over what happened until they got the full story. I said, Yeah and sometimes it ain't none of their business. I've gone through the Southern 3rd degree before by relatives asking me how I hurt myself.. or fell one time, I stepped in a hole in my yard..
Southern Relative: Why did you step in the hole? Didn't you know you were going to break your ankle?
Me; I didn't do it on purpose.
SR: Then why did you do it?
ME; It was an accident.
SR: But didn't you see the hole. How come you didn't know it was there.
ME: I just didn't. There was leaves there.
SR: Why didn't you rake the leaves in your yard? You ain't doing no yard work? You don't have any rakes
at your house.
ME: Of course I have rakes.
SR: Then why ain't you used them.
ME: What does this have to do with my ankle????
SR: It has everything to do with your ankle. If you would have raked the yard like you should, you would have
seen the hole and you wouldn't be sitting here with a broke ankle now wouldn't ya? You'll learn next time not to be lazy and neglect your yard won't ya?
ME: Have you had an IQ tests done lately?
SR: Don't be ugly..
And so on... real conversation from 9 years ago...
QUOTE:I must be a southerner at heart as I prefer friendlier people, men that open a door for you and of course less snow and warmer weather. Although, I will admit it did take me quite some time to learn to wait for men to open the door for me, including hubby."
I will second you on the warm weather. I get sick of the phone calls from cousins complaining about it's only 50 degrees..when I'm at 20F, or 0!
I like the friendly people also. I grew up with it.
However, Friendlier people sometimes come with talkitive itis see conversation above, but that comes from me being brought up in the South and having to put up with tons of Southern aunts and uncles giving me heck about this or that... after a while you just want a simple conversation.
But I have to honestly say, there are about 3 Southerners at my work, and one of them went to college at Uof NC Wilmington and two other are from NC
and you can tell. We do have that fine art of shooting the breeze down or BullS***ing and when we get together we do talk alot more than our coworkers that are 'Northerners".
The north can also keep the DC and Maryland drivers!
Well being born in DC and now living in Maryland... I guess that includes me!

But at least I can drive in it..I know my cousin down in SC cannot..
But I liked what you wrote and I do agree with you on those points...