Thoughts on Effectively "Title-ing" a Post

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Ive been seeing a lot of these "land mine" threads..I dont know what itis until Ive stepped in it! Please post a clear title to your thread.

I don't take any of the comments entirelypersonally butI do fully understand the them and willcertainly think about any threads I start - and I really appreciate thevery well meant criticism . I'm sure it must be frustratingto the moderators and long standing members when a postseemsunnecessary or vague but while they may be annoying, and while someonemay not use the forum in an ideal way, I presume they wouldn't be hereasking questions if they didn't care in the first place.

Sometimes, even though the 101 section is extremely helpful (I useitall the time), it means such a lot to have a forum membergive 'personal' advice and encouragement. No matter whatyou've read in the advice sections, occasionally you just need someoneto tell you you're doing okay, or not,or just hear about theirexperiences! :D

I have a computer shop and have to listen all day to people asking whatto me seem ridiculous questions but to them it's the first time,they're inexperienced etc. I have to remind myself of that100 times a day!!
In the last two weeks I have seen 2-4 threads all on the same Topic.
RaspberrySwirl wrote:
I third that motion! :dude:

I'm skipping posts for the same reasons.

I'm also skipping posts by new membersthat ask simple questions that can be found on the cheat sheet. Newmembers I hope you are not offended but I believe this "cheat sheet" isstill permanently posted at the top of the forum. It very effectivelycovers sooooo many of the questions that new members come on and askall the time.

We don't mind helping BUT when we haveseveral new members - I speak of the inexperienced bunny owners-sign on each day and ask the same questions overand over again, it becomes tiresome.

Great post m.e.!


Hello All:

Maybe the Cheat Sheet should be made more conspicious. That may help,altho some people will still not see it or deliberately pass over it.Actually it could be titled better!:)

Mods should promptly delete duplicate posts when possible.

Buck Jones wrote:
Totally agree, but it is the nature of the beast for manynewbies to vague, inconclusive and somewhat lazy when they first appearhere. By and large, they usually move on.

Fotunately, other newbies stay, learn a great deal and particpate inmajor ways that prove benificial to new and old hands alike.

This latter group makes up for all the "peat and repeat" energy and time spent on trying to bring the lazy group up to speed.


Hello All,

I'm not sure if laziness is the main issue - i think we get a lot ofyoung people who may have trouble expressing themselves. If that seemsto be the case, then giving simply phrased answers may be best.

I may be alone here but it actually doesn't bother me at all.:?

I will read any thread no matter what the title is.:)

For some people this may be their first forum (it was the first one I joined) and they aren't used to the usual procedures.

Some people are so excited about finding a good bunny forum.:bunnydance:

Others are in emergency situations and don't think about what they title a thread.

I can understand people don't like answering the same questions againand again, but often all that is required it a point in the directionof the 101 section. I will happily answer repeated questions becauseIMO it's all about the bunnies.:D

Also, I think actual thread titles should be kept short, with moreinformation given in the description, after all, isn't that what it'sfor?:?
Its best if the title isdirect mainly for the purpose of getting the best possible people looking at your post.

For instance, there are certain mods who are better equipped to dealwith certain situations. We all have our specialties, just like many ofthe regular members do.

So whenever I am on, I try to look for posts where I can be mosthelpful. Im not going to click on a title about breeding or breeds,because I dont know much about it. So titling your post in a directmanner helps us mods to delegate our time better, and it also helps theperson posting to receive the best possible answer.

Im not so concerned about the same questions coming up again and again.I would like it if people would read the bunny 101 pinned at the top ofthe RO forum, but its good to have these discussions as well.

Its just easiest if threads are titled in a way where we're not wondering whats inside...

Just my .02;)
Haley wrote:
Itsbest if the title isdirect mainly for the purpose of gettingthe best possible people looking at your post.

Its just easiest if threads are titled in a way where we're not wondering whats inside...

I agree with this too, but, why do thread titles have to be so long?

For example, I'm researching a lot right now about getting my girlsspayed, when I'm starting a thread about it I think it would be betterto have the title just as "Spaying" rather than "I want to get myrabbits spayed and I have some questions about spaying" or somethingsimilar.

That way, people do know what it means, and will know if they can answer it.:)

I'm just saying this because I realise I didn't explain what I meant very well in my previous post =P

I too don't like threads that are just titled "question" or "I have..." etc.:rollseyes
I agree Michaela. I think something like"Spaying" or "Questions re: Spaying" is fine. Its just the "what shouldI do..." ones that Im unclear of untilI get into them.
LiSa MaCk wrote:
It may not be may place to say so but I think thatwhen people start they are not being lazy but are simply not sure yetexactly how things are supposed to be done.
I am happy that you guys posted this but I have to agree with Lisahere. I, personally, have posted on many forums but they are all carforums that have thousands of members and at least 500-1000 activemembers (that is members that post on every day or every other day). SoI never bothered to use the search here because on those boards if yousearched you'd get 100's of posts on your topic and it was just toomany posts to read through just to see if someone had answered yourquestion. But if people here are telling me to use the search I'mguessing that means that there aren't as many posts to go through so itmay be easier.

But I do understand what you guys mean by multiple posts. I postedsomething on one of my car forums one day before work. I returned fromwork and found 4 other members who had posted the same thing. And allof their posts had a reply of "____ already posted that." and a link tomy post. I enjoyed that one. I was like "That's right! I was thefirst!" lol
Michaela wrote:
Haley wrote:
Its best if thetitle isdirect mainly for the purpose of getting the bestpossible people looking at your post.

Its just easiest if threads are titled in a way where we're not wondering whats inside...

I agree with this too, but, why do thread titles have to be so long?

For example, I'm researching a lot right now about getting my girlsspayed, when I'm starting a thread about it I think it would be betterto have the title just as "Spaying" rather than "I want to get myrabbits spayed and I have some questions about spaying" or somethingsimilar.

Michaela, in that case the title could be "Questions About Spaying".It's more precise than "Spaying" but shorter than the alternative.

Wow, I've never seen this thread. It'sa good one indeed. I totally agree with all ofthis. As JadeIcing said, seeing the same topic andsometimesonly a few threads away from eachother:pullhair:. New members should read through the Bunny101 section first, as that does answer many questions.

I also agree with what Michaela said that new members are excited thatthey either just got a new bunny or just found this forum and thus thereason for vague post titles. I would also like to point outthatthere are two lines for your subject title,themost important on top and continued on thesecondlinefor exactly what your situation is, try to remember touse that second line, it's very helpful in giving that extraspacefor moredescription of your particularquestion:).
I was just thinking about this very topic thismorning when I dropped in on the forum for a minute. For me, theproblem with threads that are vaguely titled has to do with twothings...first, I usually read them from work, where I'm very limitedfor I don't have time to go into every thread just to seewhat it's about. And second, my home computer is a dinosaur. It has alot of problems and sometimes takes forever to go into new windows,etc. So I will only read a few threads before getting upset at thedanged thing and shut it off. At least if the title of the thread(and/or subtitle below it) gives a good idea of the subject matter, itsaves me some time and frustration. I know no one's at fault...if Iwere a new member I'd most likely be doing the same thing...orworse...I'd somehow be blowing up threads or something...;)

Bunman wrote:
Michaela wrote:
Haley wrote:
Its best if thetitle isdirect mainly for the purpose of getting the bestpossible people looking at your post.

Its just easiest if threads are titled in a way where we're not wondering whats inside...

I agree with this too, but, why do thread titles have to be so long?

For example, I'm researching a lot right now about getting my girlsspayed, when I'm starting a thread about it I think it would be betterto have the title just as "Spaying" rather than "I want to get myrabbits spayed and I have some questions about spaying" or somethingsimilar.
Michaela, in that case the title could be "Questions About Spaying".It's more precise than "Spaying" but shorter than the alternative.

I see what you're saying, but I still think it would be better titled"Spaying" with the next line below the title "I have a fewquestions" or something along those lines.:)

Basically, I think the issue is not whether toname it just "Spaying" or the long form, but rather not name it"HELP!" or "I have a Question" or "Hi"....

That's my beef usually. :) I tend to skip the oneswith meaningless titles since I don't have time to read them all.

I definatly think that people should try to takeadvantace of the subtitle. Then they can clarify what they are talkingabout. I know that when I was new here, I didn't title my topics verywell, but you learn as you go.:embarrassed:

I was new to this forum and to forums just a fewmonths ago, and i didn't know what to do but from what i can remember ilooked around and saw how helpful specific topic titles were and ifollowed it because if i find it helpful, i knew others would too. Asfor asking questions that had already been asked before, i'm sure i'mvery guilty of that and i'm sorry but i was in a big panic and stress,and i didn't realise what the bunny 101 until about a month afterjoining lol! This being said i'm going back to check all my threadtitles...

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