My last reply was really garbled, I'll try again.
I went to the doctors (a good start). I was honest, I told her what I could (I realised when I came out that I forgot some stuff), I asked about a certain therapy that was on offer before I went into hospital, but not what I came out, she didn't even know what it was.
Everytime I tried to say something, she interrupted me with something totally different, so I didn't manage to explain about taking medication, or how what the psych reports had said was wrong.
She read all the recent things and because I didn't get a chance to correct them/her she assumed they were correct (it said things like, they have offered me X therapy and I had refused, but they never actually offered me it, stuff like that).
I started crying the minute I walked in, and when she started to say there was only so much they could do, I really started to bawl and ran out. I couldn't hear that whole 'you're beyond help' thing anymore. Now I know I shouldn't have run out, but at that time my 'run' defence kicked in.
My only option left (from what the things the psych had written says) is to move into what is effectively sheltered accommodation for people with mental health problems. But there are no animals allowed in those places, and certainly not 10 bunnies (4 would stay here for various reasons), so that is not an option. My bunnies keep me well and functioning. If I move somewhere else, they will (10 of them) have to be rehomed and that is not an option. It's ironic that my bunnies keep my fighting, and yet they stop me getting what help I may need.
So yeh, that's a more coherent version of events, sorry about before, I was really upset.
My last reply was really garbled, I'll try again.
I went to the doctors (a good start). I was honest, I told her what I could (I realised when I came out that I forgot some stuff), I asked about a certain therapy that was on offer before I went into hospital, but not what I came out, she didn't even know what it was.
Everytime I tried to say something, she interrupted me with something totally different, so I didn't manage to explain about taking medication, or how what the psych reports had said was wrong.
She read all the recent things and because I didn't get a chance to correct them/her she assumed they were correct (it said things like, they have offered me X therapy and I had refused, but they never actually offered me it, stuff like that).
I started crying the minute I walked in, and when she started to say there was only so much they could do, I really started to bawl and ran out. I couldn't hear that whole 'you're beyond help' thing anymore. Now I know I shouldn't have run out, but at that time my 'run' defence kicked in.
My only option left (from what the things the psych had written says) is to move into what is effectively sheltered accommodation for people with mental health problems. But there are no animals allowed in those places, and certainly not 10 bunnies (4 would stay here for various reasons), so that is not an option. My bunnies keep me well and functioning. If I move somewhere else, they will (10 of them) have to be rehomed and that is not an option. It's ironic that my bunnies keep my fighting, and yet they stop me getting what help I may need.
So yeh, that's a more coherent version of events, sorry about before, I was really upset.