This is just not right - dumped dog at my house

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It's not really too late to spay her now. Many vets in the area will do it with no problem, just an additional expense. It's the same as spaying one in heat costwise.

Healthwise, she is probably good to care for a litter and if not I've hand raised dogs as young as 3 days old

Not knowing her history other than seeing it's obvious she's had other litters I don't know how she would fare through a pregnancy or delivery - has she had complications in the past? Did she produce enough milk? Did the last litter damage her? Does she have a problem that would require a c-section and that's why she was dumped?

She's fine with my small dogs. Cats are a different story and I do have a blind cat so that does raise some concern.

On a personal level, letting her have puppies is a great concern. Many, many animals are euthanized each day in the local pound just because there aren't adoptive homes for them and because of lack of space at the facility. I regularly foster animals from AC and having her isn't a problem but her and a litter would greatly reduce my availability to bring animals home to foster that are in very dire need.

I've only had one person who says they'd possibly be interested in a puppy but with at least 3 months to go they could easily change their mind.

I'm still working on finding a rescue or rescue backing at this point.
I've decided to let her have the puppies. If I have friends nd family that are takers, great. Otherwise I'll charge an adoption fee. Hopefully enough to pay for her spay or possibly partially to help get her eyes fixed. I'll have both surgeries done at the same time.

Despite her cat agression I plan at this point to keep her.
Oh leaf!!! I missed this one until now. You know my parents dog is a Sharpei rott mix right? I am so happy to hear that she will have her puppies and I might just know of a home for one. ;)
angoragrl wrote:
Oh leaf!!! I missed this one until now. You know my parents dog is a Sharpei rott mix right? I am so happy to hear that she will have her puppies and I might just know of a home for one. ;)

Aren't they neat dogs? She's the first Shar Pei I've seen. Her bark is so funny, deep and gravelly. I wonder if they all sound like hers in a way. She doesn't bark often but when she does it isn't ear splitting like some dogs.

Her hair is funny, kind of scratchy but now that she's had 3! baths I don't break out when I touch her like I did at first.

If your parents would want one they could have their pick. One of the guys I work with still says he wants a puppy - he's set on a female, so we'll see.

I'm kind of excited about having puppy breath here but in a way I can't wait until everything is "over" and I have this girl for myself, LOL!
No puppies yet, but she's filling with milk and starting to waddle some. I can definantly tell she's gotten bigger in the last few days.

I've just about given up on rescue help.

Hopefully my friend will take one, and then if angoragrl's parents decide to.. and I e-mailed a girl from Craigs List who was looking for a puppy to adopt in a few months who emailed me back saying she may want to adopt a female. I have invited her here to see the thread about the dog.

Hopefully this won't be as overwhelming as I first thought it may be. Just knowing possible homes could line up really helps.

Craigs List is so frustrating, I had several pound dogs advertized on there (and cats too) and all postings were flagged off in just a few hours time. :(
Well I can't wait to see puppy pic's. I hope you can find homes for all of them quickly.

So why do you think your posts on craigslist were flagged?
luvthempigs wrote:
So why do you think your posts on craigslist were flagged?


Date: 2008-04-19 01:43:12
PostID: 647986863
Title: (pets) Lady Kimmie - Little Kittie **Limited Time/Space


Lady Kimmie is around 6 month female. She loves to be loved on. She is up to date on her vaccinations and ready for her new home.

XX Animal Control


$20 adoption fee

I think they should have to tell you why an ad is removed from the list. Doesn't seem fair that it can just be removed like that with no good reason.

That kitten is so cute! She looks like she hasa dirty nose. Does her tail have markings on it?
Hello. this is the Jessica from craiglist and I finally got my computer to let me into this site. The mother is beautiful, I'm really excited about getting one of the puppies. Hopefully she'll have enough girls to go around!
What a lovely dog! Sorry your feeling lowly but thank goodness the dog was left with you.. Any help that I can provide from California - please let me know (send food, cages, small donation). Not right this dog was dumped on you, but it "takes a village" so again, please let me know if I can be of assistance..
JessicaH wrote:
Hello. this is the Jessica from craiglist and I finally got my computer to let me into this site. The mother is beautiful, I'm really excited about getting one of the puppies. Hopefully she'll have enough girls to go around!

Hey! It's great to "meet" you here!

This past weekend has been so hectic since my niece was born so I haven't done any updates.

It's 4:30am now and still no puppies but this is the time they should be coming. I actually woke up wondering if they were here yet. A friend brought me a kiddie pool for the litter and I have a ton of old sheets and blankets/towels to use.

The Mom is a beautiful chocolate color and she is actually looking quite a bit nicer than when I got her. Her eyes still have bad days, but her coat is changing (the vet said from having regular feeding and more proper nutrition) and she isn't so shy in some aspects.

My ceiling fan is a constant concern for her but she does stairs wonderfully and she has excellent recall. I think her (alomost) daily runs helps her feel good.

I am so excited for the puppies to arrive!
juliew19673 wrote:
What a lovely dog! Sorry your feeling lowly but thank goodness the dog was left with you.. Any help that I can provide from California - please let me know (send food, cages, small donation). Not right this dog was dumped on you, but it "takes a village" so again, please let me know if I can be of assistance..

You are so, so sweet for offering! I'm so anxious at this point and hope everything goes well.

She's lucky in a sense that she landed here. We've been so full at the pound it's sad. I did the mobile adoption a little while ago and only one kitten and one puppy was adopted, and that was a disappointment. I drove an hour each way to set up the event and the day ended up being almost 12 hours long (if you dont count my being up at almost 2:00am vaccinating and bathing the animals, and geting the adoption packets together and the truck loaded...)

I just love all of the support she and I are getting here. Being a mod myself, I don't know appropriate it would be to ask for any donations towards the little expected family, but if anyone would want to donate my paypal address is [email protected] - I won't solicit for donations but if you feel that you want to help out it would be appreciated.

If she doesn't have the puppies byWednesday she'll be going back to the vet for a wellness check. Once they are born I'll be working on vet visits for them again, and then once she is ready a spay and eye corrective surgery will be scheduled and done. I still plan on those being done at the same time so the "trauma" of having surgery only comes once for her.

It's a shame I was so sick when she was dumped off, we missed bonding time together but she is so sweet and eager to please that I don't think much damage was done.

While I was at the hospital this weekend with my brother and SIL a friend cared for my animals and she was impressed that the girl was so receptive towards her (a stranger) so I just can't wait until everything is done and over with and I can work on taking her places and introducing her to life as a wanted companion.
Congrats on your niece, do you think you could e-mail me the town you live in, just so I know that you're not to far before I start getting too excited? thanks.
Today is the day!

As of right now there is a black female puppy, a tannish colored male puppy and the third baby is still damp so her color is hard to tell but she appears to be either grey or tan.

Number four is a black female.

the last of five is a black female as well.


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