Amy, Member
The thing I didn't like about the cat boxes with grids is that the grid sits directly over the bottom of the pan, good for sifting, not so good for having poops and pee fall through so your bun isn't sitting in it.
I did find some rabbit litter boxes with grids but they were either corner boxes, too small or too expensive. Mine cost a few dollars to make.
Here is what mine looks like now. This is it with the cut down side for easier access
And this is what the screws look like that hold it up. There is also a washer on the other side of the screw to make it stronger. You don't have to worry about it poking the rabbit as its on the bottom.
I use a thin layer of pellets just to cover the bottom and its good for 4-5days. Even longer as I have left it over a week when I've been sick. The poops piled up to the grid but it still didn't smell. Plus the rabbit isn't sitting in the litter. I never liked the idea of him sitting in his own pee. It also keeps his feet clean.
I have a question regarding the egg crate actually-- what do you use to cut it down to size with? I'm considering going with your method if/when I decide to change Mocha's litter pan and I found a place that sells the egg crate, but I hvae no idea how I'm going to actually customize it. Thank you!