thinking of adopting

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May 20, 2006
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hey all, i'mlooking into getting a rabbit soon. possibly a lop or lion head. arethey ok in an apartment or do they need constant outside time too? i'dhate to go out and get a bunny and not be able to provide ita good home.

thanks in advance
They'll be just fine in anapartment. I rarely get around to putting mine outin the x-pen in the yard, and that's fine by them. When theyare outside, you have towatch them every second so they don'tget swooped up by a hawk orattacked by a neighbourhoodcat. Inside issafe -- and stress free for both ofyou.:)

sas :)and the gang :bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance:
Rabbits do just fine inside. I'venever put mine outside to play and I don't think they'd all likeit. Partially because they'd have to be carried out.;)

The living room is wild enough for my buns!:D
An apartment would be fine for a bunny. I've never taken my rabbits outside.
Cadbury is an apartment bunny and thrives :D
She has been outdoors at her grandmother's house and she hated it witha passion. The grass, the sun... she was squinty and preferred to siton the blanket with me and nap them run around on the grass.
I leave the apartment back door open and Cadbury sits at the screen andwatches the cats of the people who live behind us. That's all theoutdoors she likes...

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