There's a little hedgehog in our house!

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I'm sorry it's been so long since an update! I was sick last week (makes a change for me lol!) and away attending my cousin's wedding all weekend. We had the petsitter who looks after the bunnies feed and clean out Mr Prickle.

He's still coughing a lot so the Panacur obviously wasn't strong enough. We have ordered a stronger wormed as recommended by hedgehog rescues and he's starting on it tonight. I'm seeing tiny bits of tapeworms in his poo though :yuck so he'll be on a wormer for tapeworms soon too. I'm surprising myself at how well I'm dealing with the worm-y poo- I always thought I'd freak out at them but it's not too bad!

He's eating loads, and has gone from 300g when we first got him to 450 last night, which is good! He's VERY cute and when I pick him up he makes little noises- what I call 'hoggling'- like hmming and snorting noises, but very quiet. He's stopped curling when I lift him now, if I slide my hand under his stomach, although he's almost too big to hold in my hand, which is great! He still curls if I try to look at his tummy though lol.

Here are some pictures of him I took last night when I was cleaning him out and weighing him- other than that I'm trying not to handle him too much so he stays as wild as possible...

'Nope. I'm not saying hello. No way!'


'Oh, go on then...'






Going for a wander around the table:


'Bye!' See his little tiny tail?!! :inlove:


Back in his cage and off to hide in his towels:


Curled up, this is how big he is next to my finger:


He is so cute! :) I'm sure you will be sorry to see him leave? You should get your own pet hedgie after :) Or foster for a wildlife centre. Since your so good with them:)
Thanks for asking Becka! :D

Prickle is doing ok. He had stopped the coughing, but he's started it up again the past few nights so he's being re-wormed again. The good news is that he's put on all the weight he needs- he's a nicely chubby healthy hog now :biggrin2: so he can go as soon as it's warm enough in the spring.

Grace, I will be sad to see him go, because he's so good and so cute. He's a very quiet, well behaved and friendly house-guest. But, I will not miss cleaning out his cage, washing towels all the time and stepping on loose spines lol- I got one stuck in the bottom of my foot the other day and it HURTS!! :grumpy: Hedgehogs are in no way litter-trainable (or at least this one isn't) and their poop really, REALLY stinks. It's not solid like bunny poo either- more squishy, and if I'm not quick enough at cleaning him out, he walks through it :shock:

The plan I think is that when it's warm enough he'll go into a pen in the garden with a hidey-box of some sort, so that we can make sure he's finding his own food, before being properly released. The hedgehog forum and rescue people have been really helpful and welcoming- like bunny people but hedgehog obsessed instead! :p

I'll have to get some pictures of a newer, healthier Prickle over the weekend sometime!
NorthernAutumn wrote:
I never noticed his blue blue eyes before... just gorgeous!
Will they change colour when he gets older?
No, it's funny, but his eyes aren't actually blue! They look it in camera light, but in real-life they're very dark coloured. I've seen pics of other hoggies that look like they have blue eyes too, but their carers say that's just how they show up in the camera light. Clever eh?!
he is soooo cute, It's lovely to see all your doing for him, I'm guessing he's prob a youngster from a late brood prob around august - september time, quite often these baby hogs don't survive the winter as they do not get enough time to build up their fat reserves for hibernation. It's so nice to know that you managed to rescue this little hog before the snows came which definatly would have given him a poor outcome. I can't wait to hear how he does whilst he waits for his spring release.
Oh how cool, I just started reading this tonight, It went unnoticed he really is a cutie, God I'd never be able to set him free, It'd kill me to do it, But I think I would! I hope he stays strong mister Prickle!
JadeIcing wrote:
Will he be able to survive on his own after being cared for.
Apparently from what MouseChalk has said, And they plan to release it into a pen in the garden first, To see how it does, And then release it completely if all goes well!
Aw just found this post today ,wow you have been busy he`s a lovely healthy example of a hedgehog,but like you`ve said a little too light to survive the winter unaided,well done Jen for all your hard work with him/she?,Would`nt it be great if he was happy to live in your garden and not stray too far .I suppose you could encourage that and make him the perfect set up in a corner of your garden who knows he may know where his breads buttered :biggrin2:
mouse_chalk wrote:
Hedgehogs are in no way litter-trainable (or at least this one isn't) and their poop really, REALLY stinks. It's not solid like bunny poo either- more squishy, and if I'm not quick enough at cleaning him out, he walks through it :shock:
I watched a friend's pet hedgie one summer. He was so active at night, I built him a hedgehog-friendly wheel to run in. (They have to be solid, as the wire ones for hamsters will hurt the hedgehogs' feet.) I had to clean it out every morning, as he would poo as he was running, and keep running through it all night. Ewww!
Way too cute little critter - I had a toy hedgehog that was the same shape as Mr. Prickle but was a lot softer. I like his nose, too!

Our pheasants got lungworms and we used a wormer in their water to cure them of it... I cannot remember the name of it but I can have Tim check the was a wormer for poultry and swine. I guess pheasants get lungworm from eating earthworms but I don't know anything about hedgehogs other than they are cute.


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