There is something wrong with my Marshmallow

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Oh my gosh..

I am so, so,sorry Cheryl. You did not need this, how unfair. Oh gosh, I just can't believe it.. so much pain and loss on RO lately, so terrible.

Stay strong, binky free little one.

Oh no! I'm so sorry. I know how shocking it can be to lose them sometimes - even if they've been sick - when you think they'll still make it...

I'm so sorry!


cheryl13 wrote:
Haley,i can't believe she's gone,i'm in shock..i justcannot believe she's gone!
Oh no....I just saw this thread.

I'm so very sorry for your loss, Cheryl...wish I could give you an enormous hug right about now. :hug1

RIP, sweet little Marshmallow
What did they find? did they do the Xray? I'm so so sorry this has happened.

I can't believe the saddness we've seen here this weekend, alone. :tears2:
[align=center]*Bawls like a baby*[/align]
[align=center]Why is this month so bad?[/align]
[align=center]I'm so so sorry to hear. I really wasn't expecting this.[/align]
[align=center]RIP Marshmallow.[/align]
I sit here trying to think of something to say...

I've always really loved Marshmallow...I had to leave the room. I noticed this post just in passing over the list of different sections in the forum, and thought, "Noo..that can't be about my sweet baby Marhmallow, can it?" But I just had to check.

I gasped when I read that she was gone...I had to leave the room and just go cry by myself for a moment.

What a horrible month for bunny owners...Puck, Pow Wow, SugarBear, Ruby, and now Marshmallow...this is just horrible...

I just made this...and I hope it helps, at least a was made with love and tears for your sweet baby, who I've been in love with since I first saw her picture just after joining.


Oh, Sweet Marshmallow...we love you...binky free and happy and healthy, Sweetheart.


And Cheryl, this hug's for you...along with lots of love...:hug1

I just now read this post for the first time. I am so very sorry for you loss.:bigtears:

Rabbits are so very delicate and very hard to diagnose. Vets do not seem to know enough. We as rabbit owners know how very delicate rabbits are.

I hope that all will be well with you and your other rabbits. :pray:

Again so sorry for you loss. :cry1:

:sad:Cheryl, I'm so very sorry. Such devastating news. Soawful. :(

:rip: Marshmellow. You werea beautiful, special bunny and youwill be sorely missed.

sas :cry1:
Thankyou so,so much everyone,i appreciate all the kind words from each and everyone of you fromthe bottom of myheart :)

Rosie,that picture of Marshmallow made me cry even more,she was so proud of that crazy little ditch she made,she even rolled around in it a few times before basking in her glory,she looks so pretty in that picture to...this is just way to sad :(

I wasn't even going to take her to the vet today,she had an appoitment for Tueday afternoon,but when i read Rogers reply,i just couldn't wait for the next Dr Lee took her x ray,i really did not expect bad news..i think i was kinda kidding myself though,well it turned out Marshy had a tumour growing on her spine,and Dr Lee thinks that it just happened to grow and it hit a nerve or something,and this is why she lost the use of her back legs,Dr Lee is not an Exotics vet but he does see rabbits,but he's never had someone come in with something like Marshy's problem,so this is new to him to.

Looking back now,i've noticed a few things about Marsh,it was like she was always sleeping,i never really thought much about it until now..because she was still eating and drinking,i just didn't think nothing of it.

Also another thing,Marshy always had a problem with her weight,it seemed all she had to do was look at food and she put the weight on

Anyway,i put her on a diet justa little while ago,so i started to feed her on her own,because guaranteed Marsh was always the last one at the pellet bowl..she was such a piggy...well gradually i was noticing she was actually losing weight,but very slowly,it wasn't like a sudden change or anything like that,but i was happy.

Now i understand that she wasn't losing weight because of her diet,she was losing weight because she was starting to get sick :(

I had no choice but to let her go :(

I was in shock because this was not supposed to be happening,everything happened so quick,i don't think i even had time to blink.

This is why it feels so bad,i just wasn't expecting to say goodbye to her today.

Before she was put to sleep,Dr Leewent to take her from me,but i couldn't say goodbye just hesaid i could go and sit inan empty room where i couldbe with Marshy until i was ready to let her go

I sat there and just talked to her and hugged her for ages :(

I feel as if i let her down,by not noticing things before

You know,we get our bunnies spayed and neutered,so they can live happy and healthy lives..and then things like this happen.

Iv'e been thinking over and over about today...i'm still in shock:(

I'm so sorry...I didn't mean to make things worse for you...:(

Please let me know any way that I can help, ok?

cheryl13 wrote:
Rosie,that picture of Marshmallow made me cry even more,she was so proud of that crazy little ditch she made,she even rolled around in it a few times before basking in her glory,she looks so pretty in that picture to...this is just way to sad :(
You poor thing. I can't tell you how awful I feel for you. Sadly our little friends are prone to cancer and have just sensitive little bodies. As terrible as it has been for you, I am so glad you were with her and she was loved and cuddled. With all of the evil abuse on animals in this world, any pet that has been loved and cared for and not left to suffer when they have something of this nature, is a truly blessed one.

I haven't been on RO much and I didn't get to know Marshy but seeing her cute photo there - I can tell she was a character. Your life and her life were special having been together. Keep her spirit with you always - I know you'll see her again one day!

Rosie,no it's ok..i really appreciate that,it was so sweet of you to do that for me :hug:

Bo B...Marshy was a character all right,she was such a sweet little thing,she had the most placid nature..she really did live up to her name....and thankyou Bo B

Thankyou Roger..this is still really hard to take in
I just saw this thread now, I am so so sorry. I don't really know what to say, but you are in my thoughts. Binky free Marshmallow :tears2:

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