The world according to Herman, and Winnie

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this his heman&#39;s perplexed face. . .

he has determined, that he happens to be thecutest bun around and everyone is just going to have to deal with that. . .
naturestee wrote:
I love the pic with Herman&#39;s ear around Winnie! Do they do that often? Oh, I soooo love English lops!

yes, he does it all the time, normally i just never get in on camera. . .

and herman wanted me to pass this message onto you:
"the reason that everyone loves an english lop is because an english lop loves everyone. . .well, that, and because our ears are just so sexy. . ."
Katt, you have such wonderful pics of your two! They are absolutely adorable...I love Winnie&#39;s coat...:) But I have to say, all those pics of Herman are just so wonderful! (Don&#39;t tell Raph, but I think I&#39;m in love....:inlove:) Herman is so handsome...! his *perplexed* face!!!
Bassetluv wrote:
Katt, you have such wonderful pics of your two! They are absolutely adorable...I love Winnie&#39;s coat...:) But I have to say, all those pics of Herman are just so wonderful! (Don&#39;t tell Raph, but I think I&#39;m in love....:inlove:) Herman is so handsome...! his *perplexed* face!!!

oh, thank you bassetluv. . .and i won&#39;t tell your bun that you are in love with mine, if you don&#39;t tell my bun that i am in love with yours. . .
he he he. . .this morning when i gave herman his ear drops, i decided to get the camera out and record him going crazy to the blanket. . .it is so funny. . .i was trying not to laugh the whole time. . . if you turn the volume up you can hear his mouth chewing away. . .

[/url"]<WBR>/albums/b197/katt2196/?action<WBR>=view&current=100_0713.flv<WBR>] [/url]

excuse the messy room. . .i at times can be a slob, and well, the past couple of days, i was. . .

now, picture this: the minute he i pick him up (i put him on the blanket, then pick him and the blanket up together. . .so he knows that when the blanket is with me, it is med time) he starts to do this, and will frantically do it as i take the top off to the drops. . .he normally also digs the blanket too. . .

could i. . .

<WBR> . . .get a mod to change the title of my blog???

to say something like "Winnie and Herman #2" or some such thing?

. . .if it isn&#39;t to much trouble. . . .

i didn&#39;t think it was right to take the photo and post it on here, but i have the link!!

she is evergreen&#39;s truth. . .what a cute girl! and she has some wins under her belt too! herman will be so proud. . .<WBR>/joythomas/english_lops.htm<WBR>]<WBR>/joythomas/english_lops.htm[<WBR>/url]

and she has a litter! herman is an uncle!<WBR>/joythomas/for_sale.htm]http:/<WBR>/<WBR>/for_sale.htm[/url]

(scroll down the page. . . you will see them. . .)

Herman is soooo cute, I am going to bunnap him.
thanks jadeicing. . .he is adorable. . .haven&#39;t posted new photos ina long time

well, big news: i think winnie and herman are getting a new hutch!

it won&#39;t be for a long while, as it is expensive ($240) but my roommate and i are planning on putting them in the living room when we finally find a place to move to (as long as they are allowed and we are not sneaking them in). i want something that will be more pleasing to the eye then the x-pen or NIC cubes, and something a little smaller.

they are only caged when nobody is home, and jessica has already told me that even if she is the only one home they will be let out, so i think they can handle something smaller[/url"]<WBR>/product_detail.jsp?PRODUCT%3C<WBR>%3Eprd_id=845524441816240&amp<WBR>;FOLDER%3C%3Efolder_id=25343743<WBR>02047888&ASSORTMENT%3C<WBR>%3East_id=2534374302023695&amp<WBR>;bmUID=1170453004127&amp<WBR>;itemNo=35&In=Small+Pet<WBR>&N=2047888&Ne=2]http:/<WBR>/<WBR>/product_detail.jsp?PRODUCT%3C<WBR>%3Eprd_id=845524441816240&amp<WBR>;FOLDER%3C%3Efolder_id=25343743<WBR>02047888&ASSORTMENT%3C<WBR>%3East_id=2534374302023695&amp<WBR>;bmUID=1170453004127&amp<WBR>;itemNo=35&In=Small+Pet<WBR>&N=2047888&Ne=2[/url]


my rabbits aren&#39;t big wood chews, so i am not worried about that, i wish that my store had one so i could go look at it, the buns really like big litterboxes, and i don&#39;t know were i would fit one at, but it is 48 inches wide. . . so it is still a nice size hutch. . .and that way, during the summer if we get a balconythe buns *could* be housed out there

not sure yet, it is something to think about. . . i might look at some other cage possibilities. . .i would like something taller then wider i guess (the x-pen is nice, but so big)

we will see

Cool! I've never seen those, they must not stock them in the stores.

Or have you looked at building an NIC cage? It would becheaper and you could still make it strong enough for Herman's bigbutt.:D
thanks naturestee, i have had NIC cages before,but i didn't like the look of them, and i don't know, i just didn'tlike them as much as the x-pen, i have like 4 boxes worth of connectersand grides, i just wasn't impressed and the buns didn't use the levelsall that much, they really aren't in their cage very much. . .


(here is a photo of their NIC cage when they were yet to be bonded)

i think that NIC cages are great for buns, but i am trying to findsomething that looks really nice to the eye alongwithbeingbig enough to lock the buns up for a few hours at a time

i really like the look of the hutch, and i like that if i have abalcony, i can move them outside when the weather is warm but mild(late spring) i think they would like that.

i am currently keeping that one in mind, but *trying* to find someonehandy with wood and tools to build me one just like that, but withslight alterations

don't know yet. . .

one the rabbit side of the world, the buns have been terrors the past24 hours. . .herman can back from the vet and has a clean bill ofhealth, no more ear infection! and no more ear drops!

last night winnie was feeling really really good and was doing binkieseverywere. . .she missjudged one and ended up binking right into awall. . .my silly girl

and on a personal note, i had 2 interviews in 2 days and am praying to god i get a call back on at least 1 f them!
we found an apartment!!!!!!

excitment can't even begin to describe.

we had gone to look at this cute duplex back near the begining ofjanuary. it was on a complete whim, and ended up in love with is 2 story with a spiral staircase, the place ishuge!

when we asked about pets, she said "as long as i don't fear my childrenbeing injured, i am okay with it" (the owner's live nextdoor) so iasked about the buns and promised they were very well behaved anddidn't chew carpet or the walls, ect and that i watched them like ahawk when they were out.

very sadly, we had to pass on it at that point, as i had finally heardthat i was indeed not going to be able to return to the job i had beenworking before i left for college(my manager had to review everyone'sfile and decide who to keep on, the girl that replaced me won as shewas more up to date in the training for a new software we were using).not to mention the location was extremly unideal for us (it is out inthe country more, i would have to drive almost as far to reach the cityas if i was living at home still).

everything started to change about a week ago. my soon to be roommatecalled me saying that she was being offered the managing position atthe coffee shop she had worked at the previous year (she had also losther job for the season), it is located in a town just outside oftraverse city, so living in TC was going to be putting lots of miles onher car(the duplex is located a lot closer to the town as it is outsideof traverse city), that same day i was offered a job at the retirementhome (it is 10 minutes from the apartment. . .go figure). but we stilldidn't know if the duplex had been rented out in the month since we hadlooked at it (we had told her in the end that right at that moment wecouldn't handle the bills for the place and would have to pass, but ifit was avalible when we could, we would be in contact with her). well,today i was looking at the classified in the newspaper, and there itis! listed again! so we are going out once more monday to make sure itis still as awesome as we had seen before.

the owners are awesome, another plus, they have land that they arewilling to let us plant a garden, and are putting in this huge firepitthis spring. . .i am so excited!

i guess fate played a big part in all this. . .if i hadn't gotten therabbits back, if i hadn't looked at the paper today, if i hadn't gottenthe job. . .

i just had to share . . .nothing can bring me down right now. . .
Im so happy for you Katie!

This is such great news! Maybe sometime if I ever comeup toTCI can stop by and see Herman and Winnie again. Im so happythings are working out for you guys!

Oh, and another idea for a cage: Dominique is working on getting thesebuilt for the shelter, but its an NIC pen on a wooden base with wheels.Its really cool. I think its a 3x2x2 pen. If you use white grids itlooksnice. And its an open pen so its easy to clean. Plus itcan be moved easily. Let me know if youre interested at all and I canget the plans (or a pic next time Im down there).

So happy for all of you!!
katt wrote:
could i. . .

. . .get a mod to change the title of my blog???

to say something like "Winnie and Herman #2" or some such thing?

. . .if it isn't to much trouble. . . .
Just saw this! Does it look okay?
thanks haley, i had completely forgotten about asking the title to change, but good job!

and you will have to come and visit, i am sure winnie and herman would love it. . .

thanks for the cage idea. . .i will have to think about it. the placewe are moving in is so big, that i might just keep their x-pen, even ifi don't really like the look of it. . .haven't decided yet. . .plus itwill have to wait anyway as i just don't have the cash to do it rightnow (all the money is going to this place).

just goes to show that good things come to those who wait!
Wow, what great news! Your landladysounds like an awesome person, and I'm so glad you found an afordableplace~ So many places charge so much extra for any pets, anda lot don't allow them at all :?Who in their right mind canlive without animals?
So congrats! :party: I hope it's still as awesome as it was before

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