Maisie, a Lionhead mix. A foster fail, she came in with a broken pelvis at 7 months old.
Spud, a Netherland Dwarf. Foster fail (again). Had an eye infection, which turned out to be a degenerative right eye. He is now blind on that side.
Junebug, a Holland Lop. She came in with Spud. Obtained some sort of trauma to her right eye and is now blind on that side.
Charlie (Mini/Holland Lop cross? In the background) and Marigold, a pedigreed Lionhead. Charlie was an owner surrender and Marigold needed a pet home after retiring from shows.
Max, a mismarked Dwarf Hotot. Another foster fail ( I have a theme). He cam in with severely deformed incisors, which have now been removed along with this peg teeth.