The Vet

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They're really good with bunnies, so I don't think you have to worry too much about them giving her stuff she shouldn't have.

It all depends on what is wrong with her and if she is eating normally(rememberto check that between today and tomorrow) and if she is pooping and peeing normally.

They might give you Critical Care - which is a powder you have tomix with water and it's basically mushy pellets with some other things in it. They might give you antibiotics.. it really all depends on what they find is wrong with her.


Since Honeypot has been there before and likes these vets, there's probably nothing to worry about. She's a very careful bunny mom and I know she checked to make sure they know how to treat rabbits correctly, so you shouldn't have to worry about what they prescribe for you.

It's hard to know what they'll give without knowing what's wrong. I'd guess antibiotics or coccidia medication, but I could be wrong.

I'm really glad you have an appointment for her!
You know - it can be scary to do stuff like this for the first time. I just want to tell you that I'm REALLY REALLY proud of you for making the phone call yourself. You sound like a great bunny mom.....and I'm sure that while it may be scary to see the vet(it always is for me when I take a rabbit in)- it is the best thing for both you and the vet.

Mucous is never something to fool around with in a bunny!

Anyway - I'm so happy you did this and will be looking forward to hearing what the vet says!


Great job! Don't worry too much. It's always good to get these things under control so you can put your mind at ease.

Way to go April! :hug2::wiggle
You should call them and let them know you'll be a little late so they can plan around it. They probably won't mind as long as you let them know ahead of time. It's just like visiting a doctor or a dentist- you won't loose your appointment if you're a little late but they'll probably let someone else go ahead of you.
Yep - just what Naturestee said. Just call and let them know if you can.

Unfortunatly BunBuns' appoitment is prosponed to Monday... I have no idea why!? But shes going for a full check-up and the lady told me to get a fresh sample for monday.(I hope i can, since she doesnt do it anymore)

Ill keep you updated on what happens on monday... Hope i didnt scare with the title...LOL

-April and Bun Buns
You don't have to take a sample with the mucous if you can't get one on monday. Just take whatever poop she does that day. They do tests and look at it with a microscope- they will be able to tell if something is wrong even if there is no mocous on it. Just tell them she has beeen having the mucous.

The appointment was postponed to Monday.... Bunbuns said the vet postponed it I think?


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