Sarcasm = my favorite. Just yesterday I was texting the GF about how long it took to get to Arizona, and she said it only took three hours by plane. So I was like "WOW then Arizona must be a lot closer than I thought!" and she told me it's about 22 hours drive time, and I go "No, I was right about how far away Arizona was but I underestimated airplanes." Her reply? "Yeah. They're fast. It's like they can fly." Smarrtbutt.
LMAO Donna!! He is yummy. CGI be darned.
LOL Morgan you should say "Washington state" and see if that helps you out any. I am guilty of automatically mentally adding "D.C." when anyone says Washington. It just shouldn't be a state and the capitol, just too confusing. And Des Moines is a weird name no one can say unless they've been there, haha!