The Trio's Thread

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I'm a photoaholic... so here's some more pictures of all 3. ;)

I'll post the video links as soon as they finish optimizing. The videos show you how much the boys love me. :D





















That little twirp is a jumper, I had to add 10" of coroplast to the topof the wire divider in the runs because she could get all the way totop of the fence and she was scaring me! So I fixed that and thenyesterday I was petting Spice while he was in his hutch and I hearnails on plywood. I turn around to see Zoey on top of theplywood!:shock2: She had gotten half over the top and wasstuck!

The look on her face was priceless, it definitely said "help!" but boythat scared me. I've never had issues with bunnies getting loose exceptMocha as a baby used to get out all the time and scale plywood whichthankfully stopped after 12 weeks.

So instead of laying the plywood so it was only 3' tall, I had to turnit the other way so now it's a 4' gate but she still tries to jump it!

What sweethearts! I just want to kiss those little noses:kiss:

~Emily and the Fuzzbutts~

They are all complete sweet hearts. Zoey may not be right now, but she will be! I love my boys.:love:
Those videos were great! You can really see howmuch the boys love you by how they were coming over for ear scratchesand Zoey was hilarious trying to jump over the fence.:laugh:

P.s I love Spice's nest by the way.:D
Yup, they difinitely love me and I love themjust as much. They are big suck ups! I can hardly believe that Spice isthe same rabbit I brought home 2 and a half years ago as a wild 4 monthold rabbit (he hadn't been handled at all and was afraid of people).

I wish I could have had a video playing when I first went into the runwith Mocha, he was so happy to see me that as I came closer, he did ahalf binky (head toss) and ran to me. And last night when I went to putSpice away, he was playing his usual game, when I come over to thefence, he runs away binkying or half binkying because he knows I'mcoming to put him away. It's really funny because sooner or later hejust can't stay away and comes running back to me.
Ya know those cards they have out called, TheDog and the dog's head is 2x the size of their bodies? Thatwhat Zoey's avatar looks like, "The Rabbit". :rofl:

It's adorable! :highfive:

I know Carolyn, it's funny. I love that picture so much. It's adorable and shows the personality that's slowly emerging.

I was so happy about what just happened that I had to share! I wentoutside to add hot water to their bowls (I just add hot water if it'snot completely frozen to warm it up).

Let me explain one thing first. Whenever I go out to feed, she jumps upon top of her insulated wood box and sits there. A few times she wouldnot come down to eat even though she knew I had food so I didn't feedher because she had progressed to the point where she had come to mefor food so I was trying to encourage that. It's not like I wasstarving her, she had pellets and hay all the time. It only took 2 daysof no veggies for her to learn she would not get any veggies if shedidn't come to me.

Well now she gets so excited when I come out at nights because sheknows it's meal time (I stick to a routine so she knows). Well normallyshe'd jump off the box on the other side of the cage and then runaround the cage to me. Well today when I fed, she didn't, she jumpedright off on the side I was closest to which was a shocker in the firstplace.

I just went out to give her water and she did it again, she jumped downon the side closest to me. She knew I didn't have food but she came forSCRATCHES! :bunnydance: She let me scratch her behind the ears anddidn't run away, she even nudged me with her nose. She's like Spice,she loves to have from the top of her nose to the top of her headscratched.

To top it off, I then closed her door and went to give Mocha someattention before I went in and Zoey came running to the divider! So Iopened her little dorr and put my hand there to see if she would comeup, and she did! :D So I sat there and scratched both her and Mocha.

I swear, she was watching and learning from Mocha because he LOVES attention. Do you think it's possible?

I'm so happy! :bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance:
RaspberrySwirl wrote:
:shock: I'm sendingTrimspa and a treadmill AirExpress!!!


:shock:Are you calling my baby boy FAT?! I'll have you know he's just fluffy!

I'm not even kidding! He is slightly above what I found to be his idealweight which I do for winter but the rest of it is all fur! He gets somuch and it stands straight out like a rex's coat instead of layingflat.

I can't believe you called my fluffy boy fat! :X;)


Thanks, lol. I'm so lucky to have 3 awesome bunnies that are so cute!
I love the way Mocha's standing in this picture.


:shock2: That's some Nest that Spice made!!!!

That thing could hold an Eagle.

MyBunnyBoys wrote:
RaspberrySwirl wrote:
:shock: I'm sendingTrimspa and a treadmill AirExpress!!!


:shock:Are you calling my baby boy FAT?! I'll have you know he's just fluffy!

I tried to tell my husband I was fluffy,but it didn't work sowell...

Hang on...Zoey will probably be the biggest mushof them all. Those two little boys sure are Momma'sBoys. They obviously adore having you around them.They're all so precious. :inlove:

Loved the videos. Thanks MBB. :)


I love that picture ofMocha's stance, too. I don't know what it is but I love it.

And yup, Spice made a big nest. I think he was planning on hiding in it all winter. :disgust:

I love those videos, you get such a better idea of how friendly theyare and their personalities. And I'm hoping for Zoey to be a mush, butthey're all mushes! LOL.



Heis fluffy! :X:brat:
i'm soo glad Zoey is coming around for someaffection from you. all your time and patience is being well rewarded.(she loves her momma)


and this pic is my fav. Mocha's coat looks great and who could resist those ears?
