Well, sister and nephew have been an gone and mom has also left so on my own again with the boys. Work has been hectic and not much time for anything else, I am so tired and it´s only the beginning of the summer.
They will all be back at the end of August so I´m hoping I´ll have more time to spend with them.
Boys are doing fine and Bandy is still undergoing treatment. Not much change, another vet visit tomorrow so we´ll see how the new lump is doing and see if we can open it. He´s still doing famously, eating well and doing his own thing. I do love seeing them all together, had to separate them again for a week but back together now. Houdini is as cheeky as ever, he got over the enclosure again the other day, he´s been working on it for weeks. I laughed cos when I give them their treats in the morning, he stands on top of his house and stretches to the very top of the bars. My mom kept saying "he´ll get out you know". Of course, I knew he would, just wondered how long it would take him to plan his escape. He ran around a few times and then let me catch him. You can´t help but love that little face. I have now had to up the height with extra panels I have and I am hoping that he can´t get over now but you never know with him. You can see his brain working. Snowy is his usual sweet but bossy self, I just love cuddling him whenever I can.
I had tests done over the past few months to see if I had coeliac disease. Hadn´t been feeling well for some time and my sister has is so thought I´d have the tests. Went for the result at the end of May and I am now on a gluten free diet. I must admit I feel so much better but am still struggling sometimes with the food especially when I have to eat out. Breakfast out is the worst, well it´s normally either toast or sandwiches which I can´t have. I am so sick of seeing eggs as I´ve mostly be eating Spanish tortilla which I love but not most days. Food at home is no problem and I´m gettting used to eating without bread although I do buy gf bread but don´t eat it very often. At least when my sister was here, we could sympathise together. It is awkward when you eat out asking so many questions. You can however get most of the stuff at MacDonalds on gf buns so there is one place I can eat.
I need to pass the photos from phone to laptop so I´ll post some in next few days. Seems ages since I´ve put the boys on here.