The Three Musketeers

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Thanks Jenny, I do actually feel much better being able to share it with people who understand how fragile bunny relationships and how things can change from one moment to the next. I think that if I couldn't write down how I'm feeling on here, I'd be crawling up the walls.

I know I'll have an unsettling night with not very much sleep but will be happier when I see them all again in the morning.
Awh, it is a shame to be haywire from the buns! I know the feeling believe me, the other day my two were driving me up the walls as well, I was literally in tears and had to ignore them for an hour before I calmed down.

It gets better some days, I think you just need to take some time to relax :) We're always here to listen!
Thanks Michelle, up and about this morning and guess what, the first thing I wanted to do was come on here and get my daily fix and see what you'd said. It definitely does make me feel better having all you guys to talk to.


I'll be going back down in about an hour so will let you know how they are today. I really hope I can get them back on track as it will be a nightmare having to let them out separately. Think I'm going to put their stuff back as it was as well to see if they're happier with that.

I'll just be so glad to see them that even that will be enough. I miss my little guys, 10 days to go.
I know what you mean, if I didn't have RO I would probably loose my mind. My friends don't understand rabbits, my husband doesn't really want to listen. haha. And no one else "gets it" unless they have bunnies.
I hope moving their enclosures back the way they were will make things better. I've been thinking about them.
Thanks Morgan and I so agree. Unless you've got some of your own, you'll never understand just how frustrating they can be at times but just how wonderful they are as well so thanks to all for your support on here.

I'll keep you posted on progress today.
getting caught up from the last few days, here...

that nativity scene is insane! must be a LOT of work to set up!

I hope your mom's doing alright... any news on how she's doing?

happy birthday, btw! mine's the day after yours... I turned 29, so I'm still young enough to admit my age... at least for now! my friend mocked me in advance for the fact that I'm turning 30 next year (he's a young'in, like 23 or something). my family was always good about not cheaping out and combining christmas and birthday gifts unless it was something BIG (like an old car when I turned 16) because my mom was born the 14th and one of her sisters was born the 31st. mom never EVER wrapped my birthday presents with christmas wrapping paper (not that I would've cared, to be honest, but she was adamant about wrapping them in birthday paper).

that's interesting about boxing day... I've always seen it on calendars and I think they celebrate it in Canada or something... I guess I always figured it had to do with Boxing (the sport), lol. live and learn! I've only EVER seen it as the 26th, though, and grumbled about some darn "fake holiday" infringing on my birthday :p

I'm inclined to suggest taking the bunnies to stay with you, just for a night or two. the completely foreign environment with the stress of the dog might actually be just what they need. when my girls' bond broke after their spays, I took them for a play-date in my neighbor's kitchen (in an x-pen) for 2-3 hours with a poodle-mix staring at them the whole time (he and Nala touched noses through the bars a couple times, which was TOO cute). new environment with completely foreign sights and smells, strange dog, semi-slippery flooring... something in that mix did the trick, because they were back on track by the end of the play-date.
Jennifer I might actually try that as I´ve spent the last few days on neutral territory with them but they´re still having a go, not as bad as before but I´ve got Snowy on the sofa with me and Houdini is off with Bandy. The funny thing was this morning, I had them in the bathroom and I noticed that when I moved the shower curtain, they were frightened of it and sat together and, at one point, Houdini started grooming Snowy as nothing had happened but I took them back into the living room and they started chasing each other again. I think it´s me that needs the break at the moment not them hahaha. I have to get them back together so will perservere but may well take them down with me this week to see if it works.

Hate to admit my age but it´s a lot more than yours, I hit 52 this time...OMG I can´t believe time has flown so quickly. I went to my friend´s silver wedding anniversary party yesterday and I was 28 when she got married, just a year less than you.

My mum is doing Ok but I had a long conversation with my sister this morning and there´s loads that needs doing as she isn´t really capable of really looking after herself any more. It kills me when I live in a different country as there´s not much you can do but I´ll probably bring her out at the end of January for a month or two so she has company 24/7 and it´s easier to see the problems she has.

Thanks everyone on here for keeping me sane the last two weeks, only 7 nights to go before normality returns.
Jennifer something I´ve just thought of...if I take their xpen up there and set it up in one of the rooms so they´re all together, what if they´re still nippy with each other and I have to separate, don´t know if I want to take too much stuff up there and can´t take their whole set up as there´s way too much. Do you think it will work ??
Taking them up there may work to kind of reset things, but you may only want to do it if you have a way to separate the two having trouble if you need to. It's really hard to know what's going to be ok with rabbits, or what's going to work. It's just kind of 'try and see what happens' a lot of the time. They're so unpredictable with some things.
Well, with the buns between doing the shopping, errands and dog sitting. I am going up to spend a few hours with the dog this afternoon as I´ll be out all night and thought maybe I could take them up with me for the couple of hours so they get two car rides and a bit of time together in the carrier, I think I´d want to take all three as I don´t want Bandy to feel left out. Would it be a good idea to try this to get them back together and should I take just the two or all three...what a headache I´m getting just thinking about it.

I came back the day before yesterday and opened the living room door and here is Snowy sitting on the sofa.


Then I went to have a look in the enclosure and Bandy was missing as well. Heré he is on his favourite chair under the table.


Luckily, they´d just been enjoying a rest but I had to laugh as I´d left their little wooden house too close to the side and they´d jump over straight onto that chair. I moved it next to the cage but this morning, Bandy had still managed to jump over and was, once again, sitting on his chair. I´ll have to put the big piece of cardboard against that side so they can´t do it any more. What a pair of rascals.

Am happier today cos I´ll be spending the night with them although I still haven´t sorted out my two grumps but I´ll just perservere until I do. However, I might have to wait until I´m back here next week so I can dedicate more time unless it sorts itself out before.

On another subject, cos I´ve been giving Houdini simethicone as I thought he had a bit of gas, I was looking at his teeth and took a photo to see if you think they are normal, I think they are but now I´m getting paranoid about everything. I felt awful holding him like this even to take the photo.


Wishing everyone on here who´s visited and maybe even enjoyed the adventures of my three little rascals, I wish you all a very happy, healthy, prosperous and bunny filled 2013 from Houdini, Snowy and Bandy and of course me. :bunnyheart:bestwishes:
I would definitely bring two pens and/or set up two bunny-proofed areas just in case... you may need to keep them apart and do "dates" like at the start of bonding.
missed the big post while I was responding, lol... I love how well Snowy matches the blanket on the sofa, and I think it's hilarious that everyone *except* Houdini got out :p
Snowy will sit on the sofa with me for hours, he loves burrowing under that big white cushion, he even gets inside the bit that turns back over the cushion to keep it in. I have to be careful cos you can't even tell he's there but he's so warm and cosy in his little hidey hole.

Bandy loves sitting on the dining room chairs, he's such a quiet and cuddly little soul.

Houdini didn't get out as I've got him penned up on his own at the moment because of the issues and he can't open his cage so he was stuck in there. He's usually the first to escape from anywhere, he's the Steve McQueen of the rabbit world hahaha.

In the end, I didn't take them this afternoon as I wanted to transport them all together as I have a bit carrier but as soon as I put Houdini in there, scuffles broke out and Bandy was caught in the middle and I certainly don't want his bond broken with either of the other two so have decided to wait until I get home next week and dedicate some time to sorting these two out.

Do you think the teeth look OK, I swear I'm getting paranoid about everything now.

And looking at Bandy again and the little chap called Buster on another blog, I actually think he's got some lionhead as he has those furry cheeks and tufts out of the top of his head between his ears. Must get a good photo to post to see what you think. I was grooming him yesterday and he does not really like it but managed to get most of the matts and knots out and he's lovely and silky at the moment.

off to get ready to go to my friend's house for dinner, I've hardly eaten anything today as there will be enough for an army down there so I'm saving myself. At least I get to spend the night with my boys and will be back up here in the morning.

A very Happy and Hoppy New Year to all the buns and their faithful slaves :bunnyhug::party::big kiss:
That's cute that Snowy likes to snuggle under the pillow. Silly rabbit :) It's hard to tell from the picture, about the teeth. You could try comparing them to one of your other boys teeth. Maybe just keep an eye on them to make sure they are wearing down properly. You could try posting in the rabbitry and showroom. Breeder's are usually pretty knowledgable about malocclusion. Or you could post in the infirmary. You may need to take a new picture and try and get it from straight on, to get the best angle of the teeth.

Bandy very well could be part lionhead. His ears certainly look it. Baby is part lionhead part hotot, but she took after the hotot side more, with the smooth coat.

Happy New Year to you!!! Hope you have a fun time at your friend's :)
I might do that and try and take a better photo, I'm sure they're fine as he's the best hay eater, he prefers that sometimes to his pellets or veggies, I'm just becoming the world's worst worrier at the moment.

Snowy is such a little darling. He's the most cuddly one and loves to lick you and sit on you. He's got that typical dutchie nose and mouth where it turns down so he always looks a bit grumpy but I just love it.

I was actually looking at Bandy last night when I got back as the hair on the top of his head was all tufty and he looked really funny. I really do think now he may have lionhead as he has those tufts on his cheeks and a head tuft now even though he's got the hotot rings round his eyes.
A happy new year to you! I gotta give some love to those pictures! Snowy looks, well, snowy as the name does imply, but snowy looks simply DARLING against the white! Your buns are so cute! I'm hoping that your boys have slowly sorted out their tiffs and there won't be a need for separating them!
I can't say the same for mine :/

I wish you lots of luck and happiness for 2013!
Michelle, I'm so frustrated and tired and they are still not together. I had them out this afternoon for a while but they had quite a serious tussle and I ended up picking them up to separate them and Houdini took a bit out of my did it bleed, I've now got battle scars. I cried the way all back to my friend's house as it's breaking my heart that my two little boys are not getting on and I don't know how to fix it so I know how you're feeling. I do however know that I have to find a solution as I hate keeping them apart and I will probably leave it now until I get back on Sunday and start again then as I really don't have the time until then.

Snowy is such a lovely little bun, when he's with me he's so cuddly and licky and just loves his mummy and he's the one who will let you pick him up and cuddle him and kiss him to bits.

I was also trying to post the pics of the dinner last night and after writing a really long post, photobucket decided to freeze all the pages open so I lost everything. I couldn't face going back and writing it all again so I'll do that tomorrow.

I'll probably feel a lot better tomorrow but today has not been a good day, frustration really wears you out and I just want to be home with them.

Thanks for listening, I do feel better putting it out here as I know you know how it is.

I have now poured a very large glass of white wine to drown my sorrows :)

Hope you've had a good start to the year and I'm sure we'll both sort out our bunny issues over the next few weeks. Won't it be nice to post pictures of them all sitting together peacefully. :highfive:
Awh I'm very sorry to hear that as well! I hope your chin doesn't take too long to heal, that sounds really painful!

I'm hoping that with some neutral territory your boys will be able to repair their bond.
I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you.
Houini took a BITE out of your chin? Seriously? That must have hurt, I hope your chin heals soon.

I'm sorry your boys are having a scuffle. Hopefully they will get over it soon.

Best of luck! and warm happy wishes from my family. :)
Thanks guys...yes, he took quite a bite out of mummy's chin and she was a bit sore with him but he was a bit confused so I suppose he thought that it was Snowy's butt and just went for it. It is amazing how sharp those little teeth are and how much damage can do but I must admit that they must have such tough skin cos he had his teeth in Snowy's butt just before and he hasn't got a mark :shock2:

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