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Awww I like the Galloway Belted, they're fluffy!

Well, you have given me good information about these labradoodles and goldendoodles (never seen one of those but I think I have heard of them), I will consider them as a hybrid breed now. That's true poodles are smart, and golden retreivers are really loyal as well. One time I met a labradoodle and it was when I trained with traditional ways so it will sound bad and it was but I was at work and these kingwood snobs brought their dog to be groomed and boarded and I had to walk this dog for however many days the people were gone and it is clear to me that Kingwood people do not teach their dogs to walk politely on a leash, my arm felt like it was going to rip off like a raggedy Ann doll. So after a few days of this particular dog acting like a maniac, he was going from side to side of my body and then he stepped on a bruise or something painful on my foot and I told him to quit his s**t and I slapped that dog in the face, not hard, but how hard I would slap Leo, yeah, I sure did. My boss saw me and everything but just gave me a talk. Shame shame shame on me. But of course, that's one of the reasons I am a crossover trainer. I felt so bad cause that dog was just really excited to be getting exercise, to be outside, to be pooping and peeing, and I slapped it lol. Ruined its joy, and its not his fault his owners didn't teach him to walk on a leash. So I think he's the reason I don't like labradoodles, unfortunately. BUT! I hope one day to meet one and train it using positive reinforcement and then I will love the dog! :)
Oh about the puppy mills, I hear that some "Mr. Smith" guy is running for Congress, and his mama and him own a HUMONGOUS puppy mill in either Missouri I believe.

EDIT: ok I just googled the labradoodle and goldendoodle, and they're so pooooofy. BUt I think the goldendoole is cuter teehee. Some of the dogs look like Annie's dog lol
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Its okay Katie, I punched a horse in the face once. He broke my finger by throwing me into a wall because he wanted to exit the arena and I said no and pulled the reins the other way, he threw me into the wall, my finger caught me and broke. I got up and punched him square in the face. He didn't try to leave the arena after that without my telling him to. LOL Thats terrible sounding, but you know...sometimes you just gotta punch a horse.
I love poodles they are super smart. Back in IL I knew a trainer that had 2 standard black poodles, they were so well behaved and sweet, she said they were really easy to train. If it weren't so hot here I'd get a highland....They are seriously one of the coolest cows in my opinion, though I do like Jerseys, I mean just look at their eyelashes! I've slapped the goats numerous times, and given them a slight kick when they're being really bad(not that they notice..). I love milking the goats! For me it's a great way to release all your stress, and then there's also the fact that it's goat milk which I love lol. The white goats we had in the pictures on our site were saanans and they were really nice goats, I'd definitely get them again, one of them had her first kid and I asked my mom if the kid could be mine, my mom said yes and I was soo happy, she was my first real pet as I'd never really taken care of any animal before that, I called her Mimi and we were best friends, then one day I went out to chores and she was just laying down on the ground and she wouldn't get up, later the vet said she might have broken her back, I sat with her all day with her head on my lap until mom decided we had to put her down. I cried for days after that she was really sweet.
Awww, thats sad about your little goat! I love goats too. When I was a kid, I helped around a farm and part of the deal to ride the horses was to take care of the goats. They had like 50. They get a little crazy when theres that many of them and you're trying to feed, so I'm sure I've slapped my fair share of goats too!
But they are great pets, they're like big dogs that like to nibble on your shirt. haha.
Actually, come to think of it. I think I might just "acquire" some goats and just put them in the yard, then when my husband finds them I'll be like "oh well, they just showed up and look how cute they are! We have to keep them!" ahhaha. Then he would fall in love with little goats. Maybe one day...
Lol you totally should! I think that because I was so young when I got Mimi it made me more responsible so my mom was fine with me having rabbits and taking on a lot of the chores, so I guess I have her to thank for my first rabbits! :) Oh yeah feeding time with the goats is a blast lol.
Emily, have just got round to reading your blog and I love all the animals. Olivia is gorgeous. There was a little nethie in rescue in the UK not long ago for adoption and he was exactly the same as she was and was called Otto and his little pal was called Ollie, I loved him and I was so happy when he eventually found a lovely home. The other two are adorable as well.

Love the dogs, I´ve seen that breed quite a lot and they are such noble dogs. I love giant poodles as well. I remember when I lived back in the Uk, there was one down the street from me, jet black and he was called Stallone. He was such a soft lump but a great dog.

I´m in love with meerkats at the moment. There is a pet shop in town which actually has meerkats, they are just so cool. My friend was telling me they´ve had babies and I went down past the shop yesterday on my way to the market to look. They are the cutest things I´ve ever seen, there are three and mom was feeding them when I was watching. I tell you, I could have stood there for hours just looking. I must take a photo when I go past again, you just have to see them. Not so great them been in a shop window but not much you can do. They´ve also got bunnies in the other side, lots of room to run and move so better than most pet shops.

that is so sad about your little goat, I just think they´re such funny creatures. Highland cows are great with that long fringe, I love Aberdeen angus with all that curly fur.
I just read the past three pages. Where was I that all this happened? So I'm going to just blab rather than try and remember everything you said and she said...

Your dogs are gorgeous and I want them all. Your site needs more pics though. :)Maybe I can get one and they can keep my current dog in line, maybe even teach him a thing or two.

I was going to tell you Morgan that since your hubby is a city slicker you can get goats. Just get them while he's at work and when he comes home they'll be there. When he asks tell him they're strays just like a stray dog and that kind of thing happens in the country. Ha! Here's my disclaimer, I am an honest person and do not support deceit especially towards a hubby.

I want some goats. I think I'll have to wait though before trying to talk hubby into that though, somedays it feels like a zoo here now. There's a cow I want. I can't remember the name right now but they come from Scotland, the Highlands I believe. They have long, shaggy reddish colored hair and they are miniatures. Cows are cute with the long eyelashes and all but even cuter when small.

We saw cows before in a different state and these cows were white with splashes of either black or brown. They looked like someone took a white cow, loaded up a paint brush and just swung the paint brush and what landed and splattered on the cow was their color. I did a search on cow breeds because I wanted to know what breed they are and I never did find out. There are hundreds of cow breeds.

I think it's ridiculous to pay a lot of money for a mixed breed dog like with the labradoodles. I also think the new fad of having a designer mixed breed dog has just led to their being so many more unwanted dogs being put down in shelters in this country. I blame both the bad breeders and the people that go out and buy them and after some time no longer want them. I do believe there are good breeders out there just as their are good owners but sure do wish there were fewer of the bad.
Chris, thanks for stopping by to read! And for all your lovely compliments. :) Lol one of the buns was named Ollie? The male version of Olivia! OMG MEERKATS??? I love them but you'd think it might be illegal to have them in pet shops.

PaGal, thank you! And I think the majority of the pictures are on the blog and facebook page. And is the breed you mean Highlands? That sounds like a Highland and I don't think they're too big. They do come from Scotland. Back in IL we had a neighbor that bred Highlands, he once went to Scotland( I think he was bringing back more cows) and he brought me and my sister these wonderful hand made wool scarves, I love mine and I wear it whenever I can lol.
And now down to the daily posting! Well today was pretty slow, I set up the bunnies x-pen up by the back porch and they each got about 2-3 hours out. I decided I'd chop up some fruit to see if they liked it,(banana and apple) and put them in the pen, Olivia would go over to the fruit pieces eat some grass next to them and then sit on the fruit and give me this look like 'do you see how I don't need to eat that stuff?' Smokey was a little interested in it but she decided she liked the grass better, then I let Pip out and he was *far* to busy sniffing where the girls were to bother with food, man I guess I just have a bunch of health freak bunnies lol. Here are some pictures of them outside.

^This one's for you Morgan. ;)


I have to say this was one of the goofiest things I've seen, Olivia came up to Smokey and Smokey just did a total DBL on her back, I only got her halfway then she turned right way up but it was super funny!

Presenting the cleanest bun in the world Pip! He seriously stops and cleans every 5 minutes.
And for those of you who have seen the scary picture I put up of Sawyer smiling a while back, here's one where he looks less threatening lol.


A picture of some of our chickens


And I really wanted to show somebody my crochet work(helped along by the lovely Elise!)

I love purple and your crocheting looks nice, it looks neat and tight and all.

It's hilarious that Olivia sat on the fruit and ate the grass.

I'm not sure if that's the name or not. I'll have to look it up but I'm pretty sure these ones were considered miniature. I saw them at a Scottish festival and the people actually are from a town that I lived right by at the time.

I saw a show about meerkats once and just thought they were cool. A few years later we went to the zoo and they had them. Their cage like area was built from dirt with tunnels that they dug and all but the enclosure was made of a thick plexiglass. The pieces although secure stopped short of meeting, maybe on purpose so air could get in but anyways, I put my finger up to it and one touched it with his nose.

I'm sure we couldn't have meerkats as pets here or at least not without the right permit. I wonder if they can be brought in for other than a zoo?
Thank you! I loved that color. :) Olivia is a little stinker lol. I would LOVE to touch a meerkat! Maybe it's different in Spain which I think is where Chris is.
I loved the new pictures of your bunnies! They are really cute and I loved the one of Olivia. She's a really pretty girl. Haha, Pip is so funny cleaning himself. Ash is like that too. He cleans himself constantly.

Sawyers smile is cute but its kind of scary, lol. He's a cute boy and I'm sure his puppies will be really cute. :)

Your chickens are cute, I've always wanted chickens we already have the chicken houses. Anyway, I think we are going to get chickens soon.

Your crocheting is really great. The color is really pretty. And your doing a really good job as a beginner. You'll be an expert in no time. :) Are you crocheting a specific thing? or just something for practice.

Chris, I love meercats they are really cute. I can't believe your pet store sells them. I bet they are pretty expensive.
Thanks! Hmm maybe it's a chinchilla colored boy thing? Lol. In a picture it does look a tad fierce but in real life when he's wagging his tale and whining you can't help but laugh. I love our chickens, they're all really friendly, what kinds of chickens have you looked at? So far I'm practicing keeping a straight line lol, but I'm planning on doing a baby blanket for my sister, she's due for November. :)
I would build a meerkat enclosure in a heartbeat if I could have meerkats. No joke, I would make it so they could have tunnels and trees to get into and all sorts of things to play with and they would just totally wild but still friendly animals. I watched a documentary about a pride of them and it was totally amazing. I really loved them!

I like your chickens! They're pretty cute, the Buff Orps are some of my favorite birds! Do you let yours free range or do they just have a really big enclosure? I just let my flock out for the first time in months to free range and they were so skittish and stayed really close to their coop. It was a little sad, haha.
Haha, maybe. Yeah, he sounds like a sweet boy I'm sure he isn't at all fierce. I haven't really looked at any chickens yet, I'm not sure which kind of chickens I'll get but our local newspaper usually has an adds section and they have baby chick listed sometimes so maybe I'll just buy those. But I think I'll still research some specific breeds to find the best kind. Your crocheting is really cool! And that's great that you sister is due in November. A tip when crocheting you blanket, its usually best to count your stitches, like lets say your supposed to have 30 stitches sometimes if you don't count them you accidentally add an extra stitch. Like, once I was crocheting blanket and I didn't know much about crochet and someone told me to count my stitches but I didn't and the whole thing stated looking really weird because it started getting wider at some places and it was thin at others. Also, if you want once, you finish your blanket there are lots of good crochet rose and crochet flower tutorials I bet they would be really petty if you made some and sewed them on the edge of the blanket. Anyway good luck with you blanket! :)

Morgan, I would build an enclosure for them too if I could get them as pets. I'm in love with meercats, lol. :)
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Morgan: I'd make a meerkat enclosure too! And thanks! They're really nice chickens but the guy that sold them to us apparently had his dates wrong as they haven't started laying, we checked their ears and they're still white, so we probably payed a tad too much for them but they're still pretty nice. Yes we do let our chickens free range, they're all really good about going back into the pen in the evening.

Elise: Some chicken breeds that are really nice are: Americanas, Brahmas, and Buffs which is what we have right now. Americanas lay really cool eggs that can be anywhere from a light blue to olive, Brahmas and Buffs both lay brown eggs, Brahmas have awesome personalities, we had one that I named Elizabeth and she was SOO nice, she'd come up and eat out of my hand, Brahmas have feathered feet and are pretty big, our Buffs seem to have really good personalities too, they're very calm and pretty confident. Thanks for the tip! I think it would be cool to figure out how to crochet a little bunny face at the corners of the blanket, then who knows maybe the dragoncub(that's my sisters name for the baby lol) will be a bunny lover too! :)
Thanks for naming some of the good chicken breeds Emily! I'll have a lot of time to decide on what kind of chicken I'm getting because we are probably going to get hem next year.

That would be really cute if you could crochet bunny faces around the rim. There might be a tutorial on how to do it. If not, you could always make a bunch of bunny faces and sew each one on. There's probably a pattern for a bunny face applique which you could use.

I'll join you with the youtube thing. That's sad. Did you report them?
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I've heard that Brahmas were really good birds, someone told me that her Colombian Brahma was the best mama hen she ever had! haha. I like the Light Brahmas the best though. I've read that Buffs have really good personalities, they're like one of the best birds for kids because of their larger size they're not as flighty and they just all around have good temperaments. I think they're definitely a favorite among chicken lovers, plus they're really consistent layers once they start.
I'm in the same boat with no layers. I have one that lays an egg a day and I'm waiting on the other four to come of age! Then the rest of the coop is filled with baby roosters. Ugh.
Definitely show some pictures of your Americana's eggs when they lay, I always loved the different colored egg baskets that people get with their birds. I only get different shades of brown. haha.

Sorry, I could totally talk about chickens all day! haha. I'm a nerd and I love my birds.

Your crochet blanket is awesome! I see all of you guys do that and I'm like "I wish I could crochet*hangs head*...but I can refurbish furniture!" hahaha.

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