So I decided I need to update about *all* my little bunnies! Smokey's getting really pretty, she's nearly done with her moulting I think and she's got these gorgeous patches of peach on her, I tried to take a picture to show ya'll but it doesn't show up very well on the camera for some reason, I don't think I ever said that she broke a nail did I....Well that was probably like 5 or more weeks ago, it's healing really well though.
Her nails grow so fast! I'm trimming them every week now so that they don't bother her. Olivia's soo grumpy lately! And she's like freaking out every time I come near her, thumping and lunging at me if I get too close, if I'm actually holding her she's usually fine she just has this super pissed off look on her face lol, but Olivia's a pretty grumpy bunny anyway so it's basically normal, I'm thinking I just need to spend more time with her so she calms down a bit around me. Pip's so sweet he cuddles with me whenever I want to lol, cos Olivia's *not* a cuddler, lol she'd probably kill me if I tried, and Smokey's gotten a bit kicky when I'm holding her, she just likes to chill in a corner basically, and Loki cuddles but he'd much rather explore most of the time, so Pip is my snuggle bunny now, my mom really likes Pip, he's so interactive with everybody, but probably the favorite of my family is Smokey, my 7 year old brother adores her, whenever they're out: Can I hold Smokey? I have this really cute picture somewhere of him holding her and she's reaching up to sniff his nose, he's really careful with the bunnies to which is good because he's usually crazy haha, he's a bit scared of Olivia now though because I told him he'd better leave her be for a while till she calmed down, and now he's a little scared she's gonna nip him.