The Stee's Stable

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I do it when I can. I work 12 hour shifts, so I don't have time if I work the night before and the next night. I can do it more now that I feel comfortable bonding them without James there. Yesterday I did two bonding sessions, and I'll do one today. I think it will take a long time because they are pretty stubborn about the dominance issue. But at least they get to interact with each other now. I think they were lonely without each other.
Fey and Sprite are doing really well in their bonding sessions. Sprite is so happy to play with her sis that she doesn't kick when I pick her up to bring her out! She still glares and thumps, of course.:)

I posted some of these pics in the Snuggle Buns thread, but I wanted to put them in here too. The first five are from a grooming session, start to finish.


Bare-bellied Sprite flopping and grooming.


Fey comes over and says hello.



Grooming the bare belly.


And butt-obsessed Sprite returns the favor.:rollseyes:


Close the door! Can't you see we're in the bathroom?


Sprite on the couch.


More playing on the couch.
just look at this picture,she looks like a little kitty cat

ohh boyboth of these girls look sooooooo pretty:inlove:


Hi Nessa! Sprite and Fey are both dwarf hotots, although based on their body type I think their breeder may have been mixing Brittannia Petites in.
Presenting...(drumroll please)

The Ladies! In their reunion tour!


They've been sharing their cage for over 24 hours now. I think we're good!:woohoo

And for good measure, a cute picture of Mocha.

Bunnys_rule63 wrote:
Mr. Stee wrote:
Very nice:highfive:If i was a bun i'd want to live in their myself! lol
You made those out of NIC right? Now, where can you buy that? And how do you keep it so clean.. I am running around looking for vaccums and rags and stain remover almost constantly!! And how do you get in?
Yes, those are made out of "NIC" cubes. Different stores have different brands. I can get them at Shopko and Target, but there's a bunch of other places you can go to also. This site has a "Find Materials" link on it.

The door is 2x2 grids and folds up in the middle. I can get all the way in the cage.:D This picture shows it with only half the door open. The Ladies are littertrained, and I sweep the floor with a hand broom when I clean the litterbox every day. It only takes a few seconds.


And yes, the girls are happy to be back together. They're actually much more loving than they were before. I think Sprite learned to appreciate Fey more. She used to be bossy and standoffish, but was really upset when they were separated. Now she actually grooms Fey back and is willing to snuggle, which she never did before!
That is so cool!! I love your cage!! I am going to see if I can possibly get that for my rabbits. Though mine are males and they spray everything (welll Leo does but Luke it to young for that).You have tile under it? That is so cool! I just love it! Ok, I am repeating myself but it is amazing!! I want it! But with the new house I will doubt she will let my rabbits inside (mother I mean!)
I am so addicted to pictures!

This is what Mocha and Loki's cage has been looking like lately. Mocha poops all over as always, but Loki's been digging in the litterboxes and throwing his hayrack. Then he celebrates his mess by flopping down in it.:mad:


On the upside, Mocha is getting good at aiming for Loki's head with her plastic toys. I think it's the bunny version of throwing plates and pans at the husband.:D


Why have you locked me up in here? Please let me out! I promise I won't poop and pee in front of the Ladies' cage, and it's not like they deserve to be let out anyway.


Fey and Sprite finally figured out the hay bag after a full day. Mocha and Loki ripped into theirs immediately- they remembered it from last time.


Sprites new sleepy spot- on top of one blanket and under another. Aww!
naturestee wrote:
the bunny version of throwing plates and pans at the husband.:D

As long as they kiss and make up afterwards.... :kiss1

Your pictures turn out soclear when shooting through the cage bars.
On my photos,the bars really distracts and blursmy pictures.
I might have to try some different settings.

Rainbows! :D
Linz- what you're seeing is oat hay. It's just thicker, so it looks a bit like straw. You can get oat straw too, but I think that's what's left over if you harvest the oats later in the season.

Pet Bunny- Pure luck. Normally my pics through bars turn out fuzzy too. I think it helped that I had the camera really close to the cage and aimed through a space in the bars.

What I need to do is get a video of Loki doing his love dance for Mocha. He really wants to mount her, but he just can't figure out how.:dunno