The "sniffles"..

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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2007
Reaction score
, Arizona, USA
I was at my local Petco the other day buying stuff for my dogs and there was a rabbit there from a rescue. His information said he was 8 months but was special needs because he had the "bunny sniffles" and would need occasional vet checks. What exactly is that?? He looked fine to me..just sad and cute :(.
Sorry! I meant to put this into the infirmiry. Can someone move this for me? Unless one of you guys know the answer to my question :p
I would guess that means he has some sort of infection like an upper respiratory infection such as Pastuerella which is commonly known as 'Snuffles' and maybe they just adjusted the name for some reason.

Congratulations on your engagement by the way :D
RabbitLover07 wrote:
thesniffles is when your bunn has a runny nose it is hard to get rid of and can spred veary fast.hope this helps:p

This is a misconception

Snuffles is a "catch all" pharse for an upper respiratory infection that is bacterial in nature
It is definitely treatable if the bun is given a long run of the appropriate antibiotics (most of which can be obtained from a vet.) and some of which can be even be bought at farm stores (bicillin)

recently I have been hearing on this forum that Snuffles aka upper respiratory infections aka. pasturella is not treatable


If the rabbit is taken to a rabbit knowledgeable vet who often will culture any discharge and prescribe antibiotics for a lenghty period of times the bun can be fine

I feel bad about a bun (not being treated) sitting in a petco store with a diagnosis that is not accurate.
Upper respiatory infections often occur when the immune system is not up to par due to a poor living situation, other medical isssues, improper diet etc.

before the discovery of penicillin mid-century people died of pneumonia all the time. Now it is seldom that people die of penumonia unless old and/ debilitated etc

Snuffles is not that different.. We have drugs available to treat condition like this but it requires a vet to diagnose and treat it
i have ahad several rabbits of my own who have been treated for upper respiratory infections and recovered totally
if left untreated, however, or treated improperly with the wrong meds or meds not strong enough , of course , it will reoccur

angieluv is 100% right. Is the rabbit offered through a rescue, humane society, or just by Petco? With a strong enough antibiotic course, and there are several antibiotics that you can give to bunnies to help out, there is no such thing as an untreatable upper respiratory infection (commonly called "snuffles"). What a good vet will do is to culture the bacteria (swab the mucus off the nose) and test it for antibiotic sensitivity (grow it on petri plates in the presence of different antibiotics). This should give them an idea of what antibiotic(s) the bacteria is sensitive to (ie that will kill it). They do the same kind of thing at some places for people (I had it done for a bladder infection once).

He was being offered by a rescue. There were rabbits being sold by Petco and then right above their cage in another tiny cage was this rabbit. They said he would be fine with a occasional trips to the vet but that he would never be fully cured so he needed someone who could afford the time and the money to take care of it. He looked fine to me, besides seeming a bit shy and hiding. I would have loved to adopt him right then and there but I can't get another bun until after my fiance and I move... Maybe he'll still be there when we do :p

Thank you Flashy :)!

And thank you everyone who tried to answer. I was more curious then anything else since they didn't define what the "sniffles" actually was..which they should do if they are adopting the poor guy out..
angieluv wrote:
RabbitLover07 wrote:
thesniffles is when your bunn has a runny nose it is hard to get rid of and can spred veary fast.hope this helps:p

This is a misconception

Snuffles is a "catch all" pharse for an upper respiratory infection that is bacterial in nature
It is definitely treatable if the bun is given a long run of the appropriate antibiotics (most of which can be obtained from a vet.) and some of which can be even be bought at farm stores (bicillin)

recently I have been hearing on this forum that Snuffles aka upper respiratory infections aka. pasturella is not treatable


If the rabbit is taken to a rabbit knowledgeable vet who often will culture any discharge and prescribe antibiotics for a lenghty period of times the bun can be fine

I feel bad about a bun (not being treated) sitting in a petco store with a diagnosis that is not accurate.
Upper respiatory infections often occur when the immune system is not up to par due to a poor living situation, other medical isssues, improper diet etc.

before the discovery of penicillin mid-century people died of pneumonia all the time. Now it is seldom that people die of penumonia unless old and/ debilitated etc

Snuffles is not that different.. We have drugs available to treat condition like this but it requires a vet to diagnose and treat it
i have ahad several rabbits of my own who have been treated for upper respiratory infections and recovered totally
if left untreated, however, or treated improperly with the wrong meds or meds not strong enough , of course , it will reoccur
Perfectly said Angieluv!

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