Well-Known Member
RaspberrySwirl wrote:
Oh, dear ...
... I think that my Sherman really IS being abad influence on the other bunnies! To corrupt a sweetie pieangel like Sebastian ... * gasp * ... well, it's unheardof!!! :shock:
Heaven help me, I thinkShermanis channeling himself through Sebastian!
You KNOW what a sweet bunny Sebastianis. He's never naughty. He is so sweet all the timethat you guys don't even believe me anymore*whine.whine*WELL.....this morning heandhis little girlwere hanging out, watching ScoobyDoo, just being beingbuds.![]()
All the suddenmy littleonestarts yelling "No Sebastian! Leave it!" Then at the topof her lungs "MOM!" I go running out to the livingroomand she is squirming behind the entertainment centertrying to reach Sebastian. (Keeping in mind I read her the post by BunnyMommy aboutSherman getting stuck behind the entertainment center!) She is scoldinghim "You bad, bad bunny! Leave it! Out!" and trying to reachhim. Then up she jumps and goes after the watergun. The blastingbegins,
which is alwayseffective, but then it dawns on me that she's blasting away at herbunny with the water gun while he's sitting amongst a tangle ofelectrical cords and cables! So then I panic! I stop her from using thewater gun but I can't reach him and now he's not coming out foranything because he's been yelled at and soaked and there are crankygirls at both ends of the entertainment center. It wasn't long beforemy little one ran into the kitchen and came back with the bag ofcraisensand that's all it took for him to happilyhop into herarms!
Here is the face of a properly chastised bunny!
Oh, dear ...