Oh No! Just when you think it's safe ......another problem crops up. Poor little guy - and poor you! I am sure hewill recover just fine, though he may not be quite so quick to forgiveyou this time when he realises his 'bits' have gone . Thinking goodthoughts and prayers are sent your way- Jan
Just got back from a visit....he wasn't reallyawake, but heard my voice and opened his eyes...he tried SO hard to getup but couldn't yet...so I held his head and he tried to kiss me butjust couldn't function quite right yet. He seems to be doingwell....was able to do internal stitches so he'll just have to wear hishat for a couple more days. There was still alot ofpuss leftso theres some spots on his belly he left open to help continue to letthat drain....I get to pick him up after work.
He's definitley a fighter PGG... I'm sure hegets it from his mom! Sorry you have to keep going throughthis but I know it is all worth it in the end. I willcontinue praying for your little guy!
Bless his heart - he tried to give his mom a kiss to let her know he lovesher:tears2:.
Well, Corky has got through another round of this trouble - he is sucha tough little guy. I am so pleased that he has internal stitches -will they just dissolve? I'll be praying for a speedy recovery. You tryand get some rest too,PGG.
woohoo! :colors:gocorky! ..see he was tryin to give youkiss to let you know everything is alright and you dont have toworry! ..hehe..but just wait until he finds out hehas a few extra things missing ....
I really neede a pick me up today andCorky gave me a great one. I am soo glad he is doing well. What asweetie trying to kiss mom. What a real little trooper. What aninspiration you and Corky are. Wait until he feels up to groominghimself and finds somethings are missing :shock::shock:. Glad he had itdone though. I am still praying for you both.
He's cleaning himself now....luckily he hasn'tlooked that far! :shock:But Dr Mark doesn't cut em off...somaybe he won't notice... He really hasn't feltlike usin em much, so not like he'll miss em much...
He is doing well, Doc wants me to call him tomorrow after that he's outof town for a conference the rest of the week, but said he'll have hiscell phone, if something happens he'll meet me for an eveningappt.....what a guy! :angel:
Other than that I just need to continue to keep a close eye on thingsand wash the areas he took stitches out with saline the next few daysand keep on the meds...
:shock::shock:His cajonas look like craisins!!!!! :shock::shock: