The "Or" game

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Bunnicula wrote:
any boat! I love the water (but can't swim :shock:)

sunrise or sunset?

Me to!!! I love going out on the water, but I can't swim to save my life, hmmmmm..... that's ironic. :biggrin2:

Sunset, beacause I'm awake then. :p

jumping jacks or push ups
Gordon wrote:
jumping jacks Hey, what about jumping jills? :p

somersault or backflip?


Gordon, you don't want to know which Iwould prefer to DO, do you? Cause that would be like....TOTALLY HYSTERICALand possibly dangerous. I mean, Gordon, can you do a backflip? I wanna see proof! Just say yes and I'm headed to Louisville.

Anyway, I pick backflip (to watch and be amazed by).

hiking or biking?

(Oh, goodness, I've been logged in as my bunny. That's what I get for allowing him to have an RO account. He never remembers to log off. -Mary Ellen)
I'm always impressed at those smileys you come up with. Very cool. :cool:

Normally I would say biking, but I'm in the mood to take some Fall color hikes.

prix fixe or a la carte?